in Mathematics and Sciences
Kaufmann, Ralph M. and Zuniga, J. Javier.
"A combinatorial model for the moduli of bordered Riemann
surfaces and a compactification''.
Contemp. Math., 802. American Mathematical Society, [Providence],
RI, 2024, 117–137. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M. and Monaco, Michael
"Plethysm Products, Element and Plus Constructions"
C. R. Math. Acad. Sci.
Paris 362 (2024), 357-411. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M., Li, Dan, and Wehefritz-Kaufmann, Birgit.
"Topological insulators and K-theory".
J. Math. Phys. 65, 043502 (2024). (pdf)
Nghi Nguyen, Tao Hou, Enrico Amico, Jingyi Zheng, Huajun
Huang, Alan D. Kaplan, Giovanni Petri, Joaquín Goñi, Ralph
Kaufmann, Yize Zhao, Duy Duong-Tran, Li Shen.
"Volume-optimal persistence homological scaffolds of
hemodynamic networks covary with MEG theta-alpha aperiodic
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention
MICCAI 2024 27th International Conference, Marrakesh, Morocco,
October 610, 2024, Proceedings, Part III.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 15003. Springer, Cham.,
2024 (pdf)
Duong-Tran, Duy; Kaufmann Ralph; et al.
"Homological Landscape of Human Brain Functional
Mathematics 2024, 12(3), 455. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M. and Ward, Benjamin C.
"Koszul Feynman Categories"
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 151 (2023), no. 8, 3253--3267 (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M. and Medina-Mardones, Anibal M.
"A combinatorial E∞ algebra structure on cubical
Cahiers de topologie et géométrie différentielle catégoriques,
63,4 (2022), 387-424. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"A detailed look on actions on Hochschild complexes especially
the degree 1 co-product and actions on loop spaces"
J. Noncommut. Geom. 16 (2022), no. 2, 677–716. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M. and Yang Mo.
"Pathlike Co/bialgebras and their antipodes with applications
to bi- and Hopf algebras appearing in topology, number theory
and physics"
SIGMA 18 (2022), 053, 42 pages (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"Feynman categories and Representation Theory"
Contemp. Math. 769 (2021), 11-81, (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M., Khlebnikov, Sergei and
Wehefritz-Kaufmann, Birgit.
"Local models and global constraints for degeneracies and band
crossings ".
J. of Geometry and Physics 158 (2020) 103892. (pdf)
Galvez-Carillo, Imma, Kaufmann, Ralph M., and Tonks, Andrew.
"Three Hopf algebras from number theory, physics &
topology, and their common background I: operadic &
simplicial aspects".
Comm. in Numb. Th. and Physics (CNTP) 14,1 (2020) 1-90.
Galvez-Carillo, Imma, Kaufmann, Ralph M., and Tonks, Andrew.
"Three Hopf algebras from number theory, physics &
topology, and their common background II: general categorical
Comm. in Numb. Th. and Physics (CNTP) 14,1 (2020)
91-169. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"Lectures on Feynman categories"
2016 MATRIX annals, 375-438.
MATRIX Book Ser., 1, Springer, Cham, 2018. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M., Lucas, Jason.
"Decorated Feynman categories".
J. of Noncommutative Geometry, 11 (2017), no 4 1437–1464. (pdf)
Berger, Clemens and Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"Comprehensive Factorization Systems".
Special Issue in honor of Professors Peter J. Freyd
and F.William Lawvere on the occasion of their 80th birthdays,
Tbilisi Mathematical Journal, 10, no. 3, (2017). 255-277. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M. and Ward, Benjamin C.
"Feynman categories".
Astérisque 387 (2017), x+161 pages. (arXiv pdf).
Kaufmann, Ralph M., Li, Dan, and Wehefritz-Kaufmann, Birgit.
"Notes on topological insulators".
Reviews in Math. Physics, Vol. 28, No. 10 (2016) 1630003 (57
pages) (pdf).
Kaufmann, Ralph M., Khlebnikov, Sergei and
Wehefritz-Kaufmann, Birgit.
"Geometry of the momentum space: From wire networks to quivers
and monopoles"
J. of Singularities 15 (2016) 53-79. (pdf).
Kaufmann, Ralph M., Khlebnikov, Sergei and
Wehefritz-Kaufmann, Birgit.
"Re-gauging groupoid, symmetries and degeneracies for Graph
Hamiltonians and applications to the Gyroid wire network".
Ann. H. Poincaré 7, 6
(), 1383-1414. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M., Ward, Benjamin C. and Zuniga, J. Javier
"The odd origin of Gerstenhaber brackets, Batalin-Vilkovisky
operators and the master equations".
Journal of Math. Phys. 56 (2015), 103504. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M., Khlebnikov, Sergei and
Wehefritz-Kaufmann, Birgit.
"Projective representations from quantum enhanced graph
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. (2015) 597 012048 (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"Arc Geometry and Algebra: Foliations, Moduli Spaces, String
Topology and Field Theory".
In: "Handbook of Teichmüller Theory IV". Athanase Papadopoulos
European Mathematical Society 2014. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M., Khlebnikov, Sergei and
Wehefritz-Kaufmann, Birgit.
"The geometry of the Double Gyroid wire network: Quantum and
Journal of Noncommutative Geometry, 6 (2012), 623-664.
Kaufmann, Ralph M., Khlebnikov, Sergei and
Wehefritz-Kaufmann, Birgit.
"Singularities, swallowtails and Dirac points. An analysis for
families of Hamiltonians
and applications to wire networks, especially the Gyroid".
Annals of Physics, 327 (2012), 2865-2884. (pdf)
Borisov, Lev and Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"On CY-LG correspondence for (0,2) toric models".
Advances in Math. 230 (2012), 531-551 (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M., Khlebnikov, Sergei and
Wehefritz-Kaufmann, Birgit.
"The noncommutative geometry of wire networks from triply
periodic surfaces".
Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser. 343 (2012), 012054. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"Global Stringy Orbifold Cohomology, K-Theory and de Rham
Letters in Mathematical Physics, 94, 2 (2010) 165-195. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"Open/Closed String Topology and Moduli Space Actions via
Open/Closed Hochschild Actions".
SIGMA 6 (2010) 036, 33 pages. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"Graphs, strings and actions".
In: Algebra, Arithmetic and Geometry Volume II: In Honor of
Yu. I. Manin.
Progress in Mathematics 270, 127--178. Birhauser, Boston
(2010). (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M. and Schwell, Rachel
"Associahedra, Cyclohedra and a Topological solution to the A∞-
Deligne conjecture".
Advances in Math. 223, 6 (2010), 2166-2199. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M. and Pham, David
"The Drinfel'd Double and Twisting in Stringy Orbifold
International Journal of Mathematics, 20, 5 (2009) 623-657. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M. "Dimension vs. Genus: A surface
realization of the little k-cubes and an E?-operad".
In: Algebraic Topology - Old and New. M. M. Postnikov Memorial
Conference, 241-274,
Banach Center Publ., 85, Polish Acad. Sci., Warsaw, 2009. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"A proof of a cyclic version of Deligne's conjecture via
Math. Res. Letters 15, 5 (2008), 901--921. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"Moduli space actions on the Hochschild cochain complex II:
Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 2, 3 (2008), 283-332. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"Noncommutative aspects of open/closed strings via foliations"
Reports on Math. Phys., 61, 2 (2008), 281-293. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"Moduli space actions on the Hochschild cochain complex I:
cell models''.
Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 1, 3 (2007) 333-384. (pdf)
Jarvis, T.; Kaufmann, R. and Kimura, T.
"Stringy K-theory and the Chern character''.
Inventiones Math. 168, 1 (2007), 23-81. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"On Spineless Cacti, Deligne's Conjecture and Connes-Kreimer's
Hopf Algebra.''
Topology 46, 1 (2007), 39-88. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M. and R.C. Penner.
"Closed/open string diagrammatics".
Nucl. Phys. B748 (2006), 3, 335-379. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"Singularities with Symmetries, Orbifold Frobenius algebras
and Mirror Symmetry"
Contemp. Math., 403 (2006), 67-116. (pdf)
Jarvis, T.; Kaufmann, R. and Kimura, T.
"Pointed admissible G-covers and G-cohomological Field
Compositio Mathematica 141 (2005), 926-978. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"On several varieties of cacti and their relations''.
Algebraic & Geometric Topology 5 (2005), 237?300. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"The algebra of discrete torsion''.
J. of Algebra 282 (2004), 232-259. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"Second quantized Frobenius algebras''.
Commun. Math. Phys. 248 (2004), 33-83. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"Operads, Moduli of Surfaces and Quantum Algebras'',
in: N. Tongring and R. C. Penner "Woods Hole Mathematics.
Perspectives in Mathematics and Physics",
Series on Knots and Everything - Vol. 34, World Scientific
2004. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"Discrete torsion, symmetric products and the Hilbert scheme",
in: C. Hertling and M. Marcolli (eds.) "Frobenius
Manifolds, Quantum Cohomology and Singularities",
Aspects of Mathematics E 36, Vieweg 2004. (arXiv version)
Kaufmann, Ralph M.; Livernet, Muriel and Penner, Robert
"Arc Operads and Arc Algebras''.
Geometry and Topology 7 (2003), 511-568. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"Orbifolding Frobenius Algebras''.
Internat. J. of Math. 14 (2003), 573-619. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"Orbifold Frobenius Algebras, Cobordisms and Monodromies''.
In: "Orbifolds in Mathematics and Physics'', 135-161.
Contemp. Math. (310) . Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI,
2002. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"The tensor product in the theory of Frobenius manifolds''.
Internat. J. of Math. 10 (1999), 159-206. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"The geometry of the moduli space of pointed curves, the
tensor product
in the theory of Frobenius manifolds and the explicit Künneth
in quantum cohomology''.
Bonner Mathematische Schriften 312, 95 p., Bonn 1997. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"The intersection form in H*(M0,n)
and the explicit Künneth formula in quantum cohomology''.
Internat. Math. Res. Notices 19 (1996), 929-954. (pdf)
Kaufmann, R.; Manin, Yu.; and Zagier, D.
"Higher Weil-Petersson Volumes of Moduli Spaces of Stable
n-pointed Curves''.
Comm. Math. Phys. 181 (1996), 763-787. (pdf)
Kontsevich, M. and Manin, Yu. with appendix by R. Kaufmann.
"Quantum cohomology of a product''.
Invent. Math. 124 (1996), 313-339. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"Path Space Decompositions for the Virasoro Algebra and its
Verma Modules''.
Internat. J. of Modern Phys. A 10 (1995), 943-961. (pdf)
Memorial Article
Bogomolov, Fedor; Tschinkel, Yuri; Beilinson, Alexander;
Berkovich, Vladimir; Colliot-Thélène,
Jean-Lois; Drinfeld, Vladimir; Goncharov, Alexander; Michael
Harris, Michael; Katz, Nicholas
M.; Kaufmann, Ralph; Marcolli, Matilde; Penkov, Ivan;
Schechtman, Vadim; Skorobogatov,
Alexei; Shokurov, Vyacheslav V.; Tsfasman, Michael; Voronov,
Alexander; Zagier, Don; and
Zarhin, Yuri G.
Memorial Article for Yuri Manin”. Notices of the AMS,
70 (11), 2023. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M. "New Developments in Feynman
Categories: Bar and Koszul''.
Oberwolfach Reports, 2024/39 Report
No. 46/2021.
``Derived Decorated Feynman categories''.
Organized by: Batanin, M., Lazarev, A., Livernet, M., Markl,
Duong-Tran*, Duy; Kaufmann*, Ralph; Wang Xuan; Enrico;
Amico, Enrico; Kaplan, Alan; Petri, Giovanni; Zhao, Yize;
Goñi, Joaquìn ; Chung,Moo; Shen, Li.
"On topological landscapes of human brain functional
Extended Abstract/Poster, 2023 Organization for Human Brain
Mapping (OHBM), Montreal, CA.
Kaufmann, Ralph M. "Derived Decorated Feynman
Oberwolfach Reports, Report
No. 46/2021.
"Homotopical Algebra and Higher Structures".
Organized by: Batanin, M., Lazarev, A., Livernet, M., Markl,
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"BV and Feynman categories''.
Oberwolfach Reports Volume 11, Issue 1, 2014,
Batalin-Vilkovisky Algebras, Operads, and Hopf Algebroids,
organized by: V. Dotsenko and U. Krähmer pp. 624-626.
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"Moduli Spaces, Foliations and Algebraic Structures".
Oberwolfach Reports Issue 4, 2010, Report
Teichmüller Theory
Organized by: Shigeyuki Morita, Athanase Papadopoulos and
Robert C. Penner
pp. 3124-3128
Kaufmann, Ralph M., Li, Dan, and Wehefritz-Kaufmann,
"The Stiefel-Whitney theory of topological insulators".
Kaufmann, Ralph M., Li, Dan, and Wehefritz-Kaufmann,
"Noncommutative topological Z2 invariant ".
Berger, Clemens and Kaufmann, Ralph M.
"Trees, graphs and aggregates: a categorical perspective on
combinatorial surface topology, geometry, and algebra.
Kaufmann, Ralph M. and Monaco, Michael
"Plus constructions, plethysm, and unique factorization
categories with applications to graphs and operad-like
Ralph M. Kaufmann, Benjamin C. Ward.
"Schwarz Modular Operads Revisited: SM=S°M".
Volume edited
Publications in Philosohpy and Liberal Arts
Ralph M. Kaufmann.
"Hegel’s Mechanics as a System of Steps from Space and Time
to Celestial Motion".
In: Hegel's Philosophy of Nature. A Critical Guide. Marina
F. Bykova (Ed).
Cambridge University Press 2024
Kaufmann, Ralph M. and Yeomans, Christopher L..
"Hegel's Theory of Space-Time". In "Life, Organisms, and
Human Nature: New Perspectives on Classical German
Corti, Luca and Schuelein, Johannes-Georg (Eds.),
Studies in German Idealism, Springer Cham 2023.
Kaufmann, Ralph M.,
"Beseelte Natur. Alexander von Humboldt and Data Driven
Paradigm Segues”.
In "Alexander von Humboldt: Perceiving the World", Allert,
Beate; Clason, Christopher; Peach, Niall A. and Quintana,
Ricardo (Eds).
Purdue Univ. Press 2023
Kaufmann, Ralph M. ``Zeitlicher Gedankenraum/räumliche
Gedankenzeit (Darstellung einer verdichteten Ideenreihung)''
(Time--like Mental--space/space--like Mental--time, A
Presentation of a Condensed String of Ideas).
In: ``Das Buch vom Drehen und Wenden der Blätter'' (The book
on the Twisting and Turning of Leaves.) Egger, Oswald;
Schestag, Thomas and Eckert, Jennifer (Eds).
Das böhmische Dorf, 2022.
Kaufmann, Ralph M.,
"Wörtlich. Ummantelndes und Fügendes in Oswald Eggers
'Harlekinsmäntel & andere Bewandtnisse. A-Z'".
In: "›Wort
für Wort‹ – Lektüren zum Werk von Oswald Egger",
Endres, Martin and Simon, Ralf (Eds).
Theorie der Prosa, De Gruyter (2021). (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M., Lyssy, Ansgar and Yeomans, Christopher
"Hegel's Philosophy of Nature: The Expansion of
Particularity as the Filling of Space and Time''.
In: "Hegel's Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences, A
Critical Guide", Stein, Sebastian and Wretzel, Joshua (Eds).
Cambridge Univ. Press (2021).
Kaufmann, Ralph M. and Yeomans, Christopher L.
"Hegel on Calculus''.
History of Philosophy Quarterly 34,4 (2017): 371-390 (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M. and Yeomans, Christopher L.
by Pure Thinking: R First and the
Divergence Of Measures in Hegel's Philosophy of
European Journal of Philosophy, 25 (2017), 985-1020. (pdf)
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
Dichter spricht: Eine Rezeption Hölderlins
'Verfahrensweise des Poetischen Geistes'",
für Kulturphilosophie, 2017/1 "Sprache und Gestalt'',
Meiner Verlag, Hamburg.
Egger, Oswald, "Nach dem Muster Vom innigen Band der
Begriffe symplektischer Wortgeflechte
mit Anmerkungen von
Ralph M. Kaufmann zu Oswald Eggers
in Paradigmenwechsel:
Wandel in den Künsten und Wissenschaften, Eds: A.
Sakoparnig, A. Wolfsteine and, J. Bohm.
De Gruyter 2014.
Kaufmann, Ralph M.
or Beauty: what can mathematical language do for you?"
for Advanced Studies Newsletter Spring 2014.
Kaufmann, Ralph M.,
"Anmerkungen zu Oskar Pastiors Algorismus'' (Remarks on
Oskar Pastior's Algorism)
in Oskar Pastior, "Gewichtete Gedichte:
Chronologie der Materialien".
Mit Beiträgen von Ralph Kaufmann und Oswald Egger.
Edition: Das böhmische Dorf (2006). ISBN
Kaufmann, Ralph M.,
"Moduli spaces and Deformations"
Habilitation in Mathematics Universität Bonn, Germany 2003
Kaufmann, Ralph M.,
"The geometry of the moduli space of pointed curves,
the tensor product in the theory of Frobenius
manifolds and the explicit Künneth formula in quantum
Dissertation in Mathematics, Universität Bonn, Germany 1997.
Kaufmann, Ralph M.,
"Socrates' enigma of false identity-judgements in Plato's
`Theaetetus' and Gottlob Frege's theory of sense and
reference as a possible answer."
Master thesis in Philosophy (German) Universität Bonn,
Germany 1996.
Kaufmann, Ralph M.,
"Path space decompositions for the Virasoro algebra and its
Verma modules.''
Diploma (Master) thesis in Physics (German) Universität
Bonn, Germany 1994.