General Policies and Procedures

  • Collaboration on homework is encouraged, but the solutions you hand in must be your own work.

  • Students who get at least 97% of the total points in this course are guaranteed an A+, 93% guarantees an A, 90% an A-, 87% a B+, 83% a B,80% a B-, 77% a C+, 73% a C, 70% a C-, 67% a D+, 63% a D, and 60% a D-; for each of these grades, it's possible that at the end of the semester a somewhat lower percentage will be enough to get that grade.

  • Procedures for students with disabilities requiring classroom or exam accommodations. Purdue University strives to make learning experiences accessible to all participants. If you anticipate or experience physical or academic barriers based on disability, you are encouraged to contact the Disability Resource Center at: or by phone: 765-494-1247, as soon as possible. If the Disability Resource Center (DRC) has determined reasonable accommodations that you would like to utilize in this class, you must send your Course Accommodation Letter to the instructor. Instructions on sharing your Course Accommodation Letter can be found by visiting: Additionally, you are strongly encouraged to contact the instructor as soon as possible to discuss implementation of your accommodations.

  • Emergency preparedness briefing.

  • Honor pledge.