
Ralph M. Kaufmann

Department of Mathematics
Department of Physics & Astronomy (Courtesy)
Department of Philosophy (Courtesy)
Purdue University




Ralph Kaufmann
Purdue University
Department of Mathematics
150 N. University Street
West Lafayette , IN  47907-2067


(765) 494-1205


(765) 494-0548   


Math 722    







(Bonn, Germany 1997)



(Bonn, Germany 1994)



(Bonn, Germany 1996)

Complete CV as a PDF file.
Research activities as a PDF file.

Publications and Selected Talks
Publications or Publications with DOI links or download Publications as pdf
Link to publications on Mathscinet

Selected Talks

Areas of research: Algebraic Topology, Algebraic Geometry, Mathematical Physics, Higher Stuctures.

In particular:

Overview of research and activities.

Member of the Purdue Quantum Science and Engineering Institute

Co-Chief Editor for Higher Structures (New Link!)

Area Editor the European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Teaching and Mentoring
Teaching Spring 2024
MA 527 Advanced Mathematics For Engineers And Physicists I
MWF 10:30-11:20 WANG 2599
Further information on Brightspace

Teaching Fall 2024

MA 495 QC Quantum computing
MWF  9:30 AM - 10:20 AM WALC 3084
Course description

MA 595 HAM Homological Algebra
MWF  10:30 AM - 12:20 AM WALC 3084
Course description

Office hour Spring 2025: W 3-4 pm by appointment

Past Teaching: A webpage with links to old class pages.

Current and Former Students and Post-Docs: list

Seminars and Conferences

Seminars at Purdue
For several semesters I was the organizer of the Topology Seminar.
The schedule of those semesters can be found here.
The current schedule is on the department calendar and here.

The schedule for the Mathematical Physics Seminar can be found on the department calendar and here.
AMS Sectional Meeting
Member of local organizing committee for April 2020, subsequently moved online.
Midwest at Purdue
We co-organized the Midwest Topology Seminar Spring 2012 and the Midwest Topology Seminar Fall 2016

Quantum Science & Technology
Co--organizer and Session Chair at the International Symposium of Quantum Science & Technology at Purdue

Recent AMS special Sessions
Together with Sasha Voronov, we organized Special Session on Topology and Physics at the AMS meeting at the Minnesota Fall 2016 meeting.

With Emil Prodan and Birgit Kaufmann, we organized  Special Session on Topological Mathematical Physics at the Bloomington, Spring 2017 meeting.

Together with Martin Markl and Sasha Voronov, we organized a Special Session on Higher Structures in Topology, Geometry and Physics at the AMS meeting at the Purdue Spring 2020 meeting. The conference volume was just published as Contemp Math 802.

Together with M. Pflaum we organized the special Special Session on Geometry and Topology of Quantum Phases of Matter at the Spring Western meeting 2024 in San Francisco.

Trimester Program on Higher Structures in Geometry and Physics.

From Jan-Mar 2016, I co-organized the  Program on Higher Structures in Geometry and Physics at the Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn. This also comprised several conferences:
Opening Conference,  HTT workshop with lectures by Vladimir Voevodsky and Closing Conference

Program and Workshop on  "Combinatorics, Resurgence and Algebraic Geometry in Quantum Field Theory"
Aug 2024. Co-organized with M. Borinsky, D. Kreimer and Karen Yeats + local organizers C. Blohmann and D. Prinz. This included a conference of the same name


Link to Birgit Kaufmann's webpage.

Links to Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics Bonn , IHES , MSRI and Institute Mittag-Leffler