TR 9:00-10:15am, 1:30-2:45pm, REC 112
Office: MATH 406 Office Hours: T. 10:20-11:40am,Th. 2:50-4:10pm |
Phone: 4-1923
Message: 4-1901 E-mail: |
There are three in-class quizzes, two midterm (evening) exams (on Sep. 29 and Nov. 9, 8 -- 9pm at EE270) and a (common) comprehensive final exam.
The exams and quizzes may include partial credit problems and multiple choice problems. Calculators, books and notes (unless specified otherwise) are not allowed during the quizzes and exams.
18% for each mid-term exam.
40% for the final exam.
4% for each quiz.
Homework assignments for the week will be collected on the following Tuesday. Selected problems will be graded.
Class attendance is required. I'll "spot check" attendance throughout the semester. I may deduct up to 5% of your grade if you miss more than one of those random checks.
Make-up for quizzes or exams will only be granted to students who have convincing excuses and have informed the instructor in advance.