(Joint with Gopal Prasad) Fake projective planes,
Incorporation of the two papers, Invent. Math.168 (2007), 321-370, Invent. Math. 182 (2010), 213-227.
A surface of maximal canonical degree,
Original paper and
Corrigendum, for `A surface of maximal canonical degree, Math. Ann. 368(2017), 1171-1189'.
Classification of
surfaces of general type with Euler number $3$,
Corrected version of the one in J. Reine Angew. Math. 679 (2013), 1-22.
(Joint with Anar Akhmedov, S\"umeyra Sakalli) Complex ball quotients and new symplective $4$-manifolds with nonnegative signature,
to appear in Taiwanese J. Math.
(Joint with Kwok-Kin Wong) Quasi-projective Manifolds Uniformized by Carath\'eodory Hyperbolic Manifolds and Hyperbolicity of Their Subvarieties,
to appear in IMRN.
Geometry of domains and Carath\'eodory distance,
preprint, to appear in Acta Math. Sinica.
(Joint with Gopal Prasad) Arithmetic fake compact Hermitian symmetric spaces of Type $A_3$,
preprint, to appear in J. Math. Soc. Japan, see also
data file
(Joint with Kwok-Kin Wong) Carath\'eodory hyperbolicity, volume estimates and level
structures over function fields
to appear in Math. Ann.