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MA 22300, Spring 2012

Course Info.


Exam Info.

Online Homework

  • Students should not try to register in MathZone until their instructor discusses the procedure in class AND provides this semester's section codes Wednesday, January 18.
  • DO NOT purchase MathZone from the bookstores, unless you are buying a new textbook and Mathzone is already bundled with that new textbook.
    • --what to do if you switch sections
    • --where to find help for different types of problems
    • information included:
    • --email address for MathZone Coordinator
    • --how to request an extension or excused homework
    • --telephone number and hours for MathZone support team

Office Hrs

Course Description

Credit Hours: 3.00. Differential calculus with applications to management and economics. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.

Instructor Info.

Section Room Time Instructor Office
MA 22300 001 UNIV 017 7:30am MWF Ferraz De Andrade, Rodrigo MATH 719
MA 22300 011 UNIV 017 8:30am MWF Ferraz De Andrade, Rodrigo MATH 719
MA 22300 012 UNIV 019 8:30am MWF De Fini, Sarah Jo MATH 741
MA 22300 013 UNIV 117 8:30am MWF Jaganathan, Jishnu MATH G138
MA 22300 021 UNIV 017 9:30am MWF Mohammad, Asaduzzaman MATH B11
MA 22300 022 UNIV 019 9:30am MWF De Fini, Sarah Jo MATH 741
MA 22300 023 REC 226 9:30am MWF Jaganathan, Jishnu MATH G138
MA 22300 032 UNIV 019 10:30am MWF Mohammad, Asaduzzaman MATH B11
MA 22300 041 UNIV 017 11:30am MWF Lucas, Jason MATH 607
MA 22300 042 UNIV 019 11:30am MWF Sutton, Deborah MATH 741
MA 22300 051 REC 121 12:30pm MWF Cheong, Chi Weng MATH 1027
MA 22300 052 UNIV 019 12:30pm MWF Sutton, Deborah MATH 741
MA 22300 061 UNIV 017 1:30pm MWF Cheong, Chi Weng MATH 1027
MA 22300 062 BRNG B222 1:30pm MWF Lucas, Jason MATH 607
MA 22300 063 UNIV 019 1:30pm MWF Lorenzo, Christina MATH 611
MA 22300 071 UNIV 017 2:30pm MWF Holleran, Caitlyn MATH G144
MA 22300 072 UNIV 019 2:30pm MWF Lorenzo, Christina MATH 611
MA 22300 081 UNIV 017 3:30pm MWF Holleran, Caitlyn MATH G144
MA 22300 082 UNIV 019 3:30pm MWF Rogers, Blake MATH 741
MA 22300 091 UNIV 017 4:30pm MWF Rogers, Blake MATH 741

Course Materials

There are no materials for this course.

Important Notes

  • ADA policies: please see our ADA Information page for more details
  • In the event of a missed exam, see your instructor/professor as soon as possible.
  • See the online course evaluation page for more information on how we collect course feedback from students

Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, 150 N. University Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067

Phone: (765) 494-1901 - FAX: (765) 494-0548  Contact Us

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