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MA 26100, Fall 2013

Course Info.


Exam Info.


Office Hrs

Course Description

Credit Hours: 4.00. Planes, lines, and curves in three dimensions. Differential calculus of several variables; multiple integrals. Introduction to vector calculus. Not open to students with credit in MA 174 or 271. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.

Instructor Info.

Section Room Time Instructor Office
MA 26100 100 CL50 224 12:30pm MWF Gabrielov, Andrei MATH 648
MA 26100 101 PHYS 111 8:30am T Kim, Jieun MATH 613
MA 26100 111 PHYS 111 4:30pm T Hernandez Ceron, Nancy MATH 711
MA 26100 121 PHYS 111 10:30am T Zheng, Yiqiang MATH 437
MA 26100 131 PHYS 111 3:30pm T Hernandez Ceron, Nancy MATH 711
MA 26100 132 PHYS 111 12:30pm T Zheng, Yiqiang MATH 437
MA 26100 141 PHYS 111 7:30am T Kim, Jieun MATH 613
MA 26100 151 PHYS 111 2:30pm T Hernandez Ceron, Nancy MATH 711
MA 26100 161 PHYS 111 1:30pm T Li, Hongshan MATH 733
MA 26100 171 PHYS 111 11:30am T Zheng, Yiqiang MATH 437
MA 26100 181 PHYS 111 9:30am T Li, Hongshan MATH 733
MA 26100 191 UNIV 019 10:30am T Li, Hongshan MATH 733
MA 26100 498 UNIV 019 11:30am T Kim, Jieun MATH 613
MA 26100 503 UNIV 019 12:30pm T Liu, Ruikai MATH 605
MA 26100 300 EE 129 3:30pm MWF Wiles, Benjamin MATH 846
MA 26100 301 UNIV 017 10:30am T Liu, Ruikai MATH 605
MA 26100 311 UNIV 017 4:30pm T Toeniskoetter, Matthew MATH 603
MA 26100 321 UNIV 019 1:30pm T Poghotanyan, Gayane MATH 713
MA 26100 331 UNIV 017 3:30pm T Toeniskoetter, Matthew MATH 603
MA 26100 341 UNIV 017 9:30am T Ursitti, Andrew MATH 1030
MA 26100 351 UNIV 017 2:30pm T Toeniskoetter, Matthew MATH 603
MA 26100 361 UNIV 017 8:30am T Ursitti, Andrew MATH 1030
MA 26100 362 UNIV 017 7:30am T Ursitti, Andrew MATH 1030
MA 26100 371 UNIV 017 12:30pm T Ahmadi, Lida MATH 637
MA 26100 381 UNIV 017 1:30pm T Ahmadi, Lida MATH 637
MA 26100 391 UNIV 017 11:30am T Ahmadi, Lida MATH 637
MA 26100 500 UNIV 019 2:30pm T Poghotanyan, Gayane MATH 713
MA 26100 504 UNIV 019 3:30pm T Poghotanyan, Gayane MATH 713
MA 26100 400 EE 129 10:30am MWF Phillips, Daniel MATH 706
MA 26100 401 PHYS 110 11:30am T He, Cuiyu MATH 709
MA 26100 411 PHYS 110 2:30pm T Liu, Ruikai MATH 605
MA 26100 421 PHYS 110 3:30pm T Alfaro, Jorge MATH 739
MA 26100 431 UNIV 019 7:30am T Vogt Geisse, Katia MATH 611
MA 26100 441 PHYS 110 1:30pm T Alfaro, Jorge MATH 739
MA 26100 451 PHYS 110 9:30am T Ritchie, Andrew MATH 1046
MA 26100 452 PHYS 110 12:30pm T He, Cuiyu MATH 709
MA 26100 461 PHYS 110 7:30am T Ritchie, Andrew MATH 1046
MA 26100 471 PHYS 110 8:30am T Ritchie, Andrew MATH 1046
MA 26100 481 PHYS 110 4:30pm T Alfaro, Jorge MATH 739
MA 26100 491 PHYS 110 10:30am T He, Cuiyu MATH 709
MA 26100 496 UNIV 019 8:30am T Vogt Geisse, Katia MATH 611
MA 26100 502 UNIV 019 9:30am T Vogt Geisse, Katia MATH 611
MA 26100 492 EE 129 4:30pm MWF Sa Barreto, Antonio MATH 836
MA 26100 493 REC 226 8:30am T Ahn, Sung won MATH 707
MA 26100 494 REC 226 9:30am T Ahn, Sung won MATH 707
MA 26100 495 REC 226 10:30am T Ahn, Sung won MATH 707
MA 26100 501 KNOY B031 11:30am T Cooper, Monte MATH 701
MA 26100 505 KNOY B031 12:30pm T Cooper, Monte MATH 701
MA 26100 506 KNOY B031 1:30pm T Cooper, Monte MATH 701

Course Materials

There are no materials for this course.

Important Notes

  • ADA policies: please see our ADA Information page for more details
  • In the event of a missed exam, see your instructor/professor as soon as possible.
  • See the online course evaluation page for more information on how we collect course feedback from students

Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, 150 N. University Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067

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