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MA 26100, Spring 2024
Multivariate Calculus

Credit Hours: 4.00. Planes, lines, and curves in three dimensions. Differential calculus of several variables; multiple integrals. Introduction to vector calculus. Not open to students with credit in MA 27100.

Course Info.

Exam Info.


Instructor Info

Section Room Time Instructor Office
600 CL50 224 10:30AM MWF Andrew S Toms MATH 720
608 SCHM 316 3:30PM T Katherine Taylor Wong MATH 643
616 SCHM 316 4:30PM T Katherine Taylor Wong MATH 643
624 SCHM 316 2:30PM T Katherine Taylor Wong MATH 643
632 SCHM 121 11:30AM T Alejandro Cano MATH 615
640 SCHM 121 9:30AM T Alejandro Cano MATH 615
648 SCHM 121 10:30AM T Alejandro Cano MATH 615
656 HAMP 2101 1:30PM T Howen Chuah MATH 733
664 HAMP 2101 11:30AM T Howen Chuah MATH 733
672 HAMP 2101 12:30PM T Howen Chuah MATH 733
680 PHYS 202 3:30PM T General Obiora Ozochiawaeze MATH 615
688 PHYS 202 4:30PM T General Obiora Ozochiawaeze MATH 615
696 PHYS 202 2:30PM T General Obiora Ozochiawaeze MATH 615
700 BHEE 129 7:30AM MWF Mahesh Sunkula MATH 842
705 CL50 125 1:30PM T August Michael Bibler MATH 611
713 CL50 125 12:30PM T August Michael Bibler MATH 611
721 CL50 125 2:30PM T August Michael Bibler MATH 611
729 PHYS 333 11:30AM T Pedro David Morales Vega MATH 645
737 PHYS 333 1:30PM T Pedro David Morales Vega MATH 645
745 PHYS 333 12:30PM T Pedro David Morales Vega MATH 645
753 PHYS 202 11:30AM T Dimitrios T Tambakos MATH 603
761 PHYS 202 12:30PM T Dimitrios T Tambakos MATH 603
769 PHYS 202 1:30PM T Dimitrios T Tambakos MATH 603
777 PHYS 110 4:30PM T Manav Sanjay Batavia MATH 1027
785 PHYS 110 2:30PM T Manav Sanjay Batavia MATH 1027
793 PHYS 110 3:30PM T Manav Sanjay Batavia MATH 1027
794 BHEE 129 8:30AM MWF Mahesh Sunkula MATH 842
795 HAMP 2101 2:30PM T Hao Wan MATH 707
796 HAMP 2101 4:30PM T Hao Wan MATH 707
797 HAMP 2101 3:30PM T Hao Wan MATH 707
798 PHYS 333 3:30PM T Siva Somasundaram MATH 443
799 PHYS 333 2:30PM T Siva Somasundaram MATH 443
800 PHYS 333 4:30PM T Siva Somasundaram MATH 443
801 PHYS 202 10:30AM T Deion David Elzie MATH 639
802 PHYS 202 9:30AM T Deion David Elzie MATH 639
803 PHYS 202 8:30AM T Deion David Elzie MATH 639
804 PHYS 333 10:30AM T Justin Fong MATH 613
805 PHYS 333 9:30AM T Justin Fong MATH 613
806 PHYS 333 8:30AM T Justin Fong MATH 613

Course Materials

Section Type Title Author
ALL SUPP MyLab Math access for online homework - MyLab Math with Pearson eText; this includes an electronic copy of the textbook -- 24 Month Access Card Package for Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Briggs/Cochran/Gillett/Schultz 9780134856926. Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Loose Leaf, and MyLab Math with Pearson eText -- 24-Month Access Card Package 9780134996103. Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Loose Leaf, and MyLab Math with Pearson eText -- 24-Month Access Card Package 9780134996684

Important Notes

  • ADA policies: please see our ADA Information page for more details
  • In the event of a missed exam, see your instructor/professor as soon as possible.
  • See the online course evaluation page for more information on how we collect course feedback from students

Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, 150 N. University Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067

Phone: (765) 494-1901 - FAX: (765) 494-0548  Contact Us

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