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Mathematics News

Puzzle Pair: Two brothers tackle the physics of shampoo (12.13.2024)

Department of Mathematics faculty celebrate anniversaries at Purdue (12.12.2024)

Cornerstone Review: Medea (Reimagined as a Murder Mystery) (11.25.2024)

Three Purdue Mathematics students honored with AWM Student Chapter Awards (11.25.2024)

Check out the latest PUrview newsletter from Purdue Mathematics (11.25.2024)

Ilya Shkredov joins the faculty for the Department of Mathematics at Purdue University (11.22.2024)

Alisa Sedunova joins the faculty for the Department of Mathematics at Purdue University (11.22.2024)

AMS NOTICES: Foliations and Diffeomorphism Groups (11.15.2024)

Nour Khoudari awarded 2025 Ivo and Renata Babuška Thesis Prize from AMS (11.14.2024)

Purdue students use mathematics to forecast U.S. elections in real time (10.25.2024)

16th Annual Women in Mathematics Day (10.25.2024)

The Gautschi supercomputer unveiled in dedication ceremony (10.25.2024)

Purdue mathematicians named in world’s top 2% of scientists (10.01.2024)

Prestigious Astronaut Scholarships awarded to three Purdue students (09.30.2024)

CCAM August 7th Workshop (07.10.2024)

Purdue researchers unveil miniature computational spectrometer (05.17.2024)

2023-2024 Joel S. Spira Faculty Teaching Awards (04.30.2024)

Tim Delworth Receives 2024 Gerald Krockover Outstanding Favorite Faculty Award (04.16.2024)

Actuarial Science program honored by the Casualty Actuarial Society (03.13.2024)

Saugata Basu Authors AMS Notices Article (03.06.2024)

Math undergraduates excel in Putnam Competition (03.01.2024)

2024 Faculty and Staff Awards (02.28.2024)

Johnny Houston Lecture given by Ryan Hynd (02.23.2024)

Purdue Today’s weekly book series features Jaroslaw Wlodarczyk (02.21.2024)

Guang Lin leading machine learning research funded by NIH (02.15.2024)

Gregery Buzzard to lead CCAM (02.01.2024)

Midwest Actuarial Research Seminars (11.14.2023)

Meenakshi McNamara receives 2024 Schafer Award (11.09.2023)

Bernd Ulrich selected to give prestigious Chern Lecture (11.01.2023)

Hovde Lecture given by Freydoon Shahidi (10.24.2023)

15th Annual Women In Math Lecture with guest speaker Stefania Patrizi (10.13.2023)

Birgit Kaufmann Inducted Into The Book of Great Teachers (10.12.2023)

Dr. Johnny Brown receives 2023 Special Boilermaker Award (10.11.2023)

Department of Mathematics PUrview 2023 (10.05.2023)

A Meeting in occasion of the 75th birthday of Professor Juan Enrique Santos (09.20.2023)

Plamen Stefanov among recipients of 2023 Frontiers of Science Award (08.11.2023)

Andrei Gabrielov and Jie Shen named Distinguished Professors of Mathematics (08.11.2023)

Jianxi Su New Actuarial Science Director (07.25.2023)

2022-23 Joel S. Spira Faculty Teaching Award recipient (04.28.2023)

Undergraduate Research Presentation Night (04.24.2023)

Ethan Brady and Colton Griffin offered GRFP Award (04.24.2023)

Rodrigo Bañuelos named 2023 SIAM Fellow (04.20.2023)

Distinguished Science Award honoree, alumni presentation and panel discussion (04.05.2023)

“Best Mathematician” list includes Purdue professors (03.21.2023)

Emanuel Indrei AMS Publication Accepted (03.13.2023)

Professors' research published in Inventiones Mathematicae (03.01.2023)

March Student Feature: Rafael Ceja Ayala (02.27.2023)

February Student Feature: Adam Clay (02.20.2023)

Please join us for the Inaugural Johnny Houston Lecture series (02.03.2023)

Isaac Harris awarded Barbara A. Kunze New Frontiers Assistant Professorship of Mathematics (02.03.2023)

Sam Nariman NSF CAREER Award (01.30.2023)

Jeff Beckley Retirement (01.27.2023)

College of Science Faculty Research Awards (01.23.2023)

Guang Lin receives College Research Award (01.17.2023)

Rodrigo Banuelos AMS Invited One-Hour Address - 01/04/23 (01.13.2023)

January Student Feature: Meenakshi (Arianna) McNamara (01.09.2023)

New Interim Director of Actuarial Sciences (12.16.2022)

Best Professor/Instructor 2022: Kuan-Hua (Joe) Chen (11.21.2022)

November Student Feature: William Lin (11.21.2022)

2022-23 University Faculty Scholar Award (11.14.2022)

CDEV Chair Election: Alexandria Volkening (11.02.2022)

October Student Feature - Ryan Branstetter, Manas Paranjape, and Mengqi Liu (10.20.2022)

Special Talk with Oswald Egger (10.03.2022)

September Student Feature - Govanni Granados (09.21.2022)

Purdue United Way Campaign Kickoff (09.07.2022)

Math Resource Room Location Change (08.19.2022)

Summer Undergraduate Research Symposiums (07.27.2022)

Data-driven causal model discovery and personalized prediction in Alzheimer’s disease (07.06.2022)

2022 Purdue Undergraduate Research Conference Awards (05.15.2022)

Workshop on New Trends in Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws (05.05.2022)

Gary Cunningham and Botong Wang awarded in the 2022 Distinguished Science Alumni Awards. (04.22.2022)

Purdue Math Graduates named among SIAM 2022 Class of MGB-SIAM Early Career Fellows (04.15.2022)

Guang Lin's talk at Purdue Faculty Entrepreneurial Learning Academy (04.15.2022)

Dr. Wilkins Aquino to deliver Math Is Key Talk (04.04.2022)

Ethan Brady, Meenakshi McNamara, and Colton Griffin Awarded Goldwater Scholarships (03.29.2022)

Arshak Petrosyan Co-Authors AMS Journal (03.24.2022)

March 26 AMS Special Session on Multiplicative Ideal Theory in honor of the career of William Heinzer (03.24.2022)

Jie Shen is ranked #170 among Top Scientists for 2022 (02.23.2022)

Memorial Resolution for Daniel Henry Gottlieb (02.18.2022)

Dr. Johnny Brown and Dr. Isaac Harris among 2022 Black Mathematician Honorees (02.15.2022)

Haizhao Yang recipient of Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award (02.10.2022)

SOA Recognizes Purdue University (02.09.2022)

Memorial Resolution James Carlyle Lillo (01.19.2022)

Memorial Resolution Thomas Mullikin (01.18.2022)

Professor Bill Heinzer has a new book (12.03.2021)

Professor Zhilan Feng elected Fellow of the AMS (11.02.2021)

Rodrigo Banuelos receives 2022 Award for Distinguished Public Service (10.26.2021)

Professor Juan Santos has a new book (10.25.2021)

2021 Mortality Forecasting Contest (09.09.2021)

AMS Sectional meeting (09.07.2021)

Guang Lin receives NSF grant to study deep learning in real physical space (08.31.2021)

Fall Picnic (07.26.2021)

Center of Actuarial Excellence (07.26.2021)

IMA Workshop on the Mathematical Foundation and Applications of Deep Learning (07.07.2021)

I never get tired of it (07.02.2021)

Faculty Outreach Summer 2021 Update (06.15.2021)

Teaching Excellence Awards 2021 (06.11.2021)

Professor Guang Lin Awarded Trask Innovation Funding (06.07.2021)

Graduate Students 2021 (05.12.2021)

Nominate Your Best and Most Interesting Students (05.06.2021)

Purdue Mathematics Faculty Outreach Summer 2021 (05.06.2021)

The Department of Mathematics Facebook webpage (05.03.2021)

Instructors Appreciated as Educators (04.30.2021)

Teaching for Tomorrow Fellowship Awards recipients for 2020-2021 (04.30.2021)

The Department of Mathematics is highlighting the great work accomplished by our Graduate Students (04.29.2021)

Brooke Max earned a promotion to Senior Lecturer (04.29.2021)

Tutoring Fundraiser for Greater Lafayette Legal Defense Fund (04.27.2021)

Congratulations Joe Chen on being awarded the Distinguished Faculty for Research (04.23.2021)

Newly promoted faculty members (04.15.2021)

Barry Goldwater Scholarship Award Winner (04.15.2021)

Assistant Professor Manuel Rivera named 2021 Karen EDGE Fellow (04.14.2021)

Mathematics Student wins NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (03.30.2021)

Dr. McClure awarded 2021 Focus Award (03.30.2021)

Introduction to Analysis with Complex Numbers (03.30.2021)

2021 Violet Haas Memorial Fellowship Honoree (03.17.2021)

2021 SIAM CSE Best Paper Prize (02.16.2021)

Mathematics in cultures around the world (02.10.2021)

National Black History Month (02.09.2021)

Diversity Open House Virtual Event (02.09.2021)

T. T. Moh recently published a new book (01.05.2021)

2019-20 Ruth and Joel Spira Faculty Teaching Awards (12.07.2020)

Donatella Danielli recognized as "Extraordinary Faculty Instructor" (11.25.2020)

Graduate Research Day 2020 (11.12.2020)

An Overview of the Obstacle Problem (11.11.2020)

AWM is hosting a virtual callout (10.21.2020)

Virtual Fall Picnic (10.09.2020)

PUrview 2020 (10.06.2020)

Call for Researchers Seeking Student Assistants (09.23.2020)

Memorial resolution for Robert Zink (08.27.2020)

Virtual Cookie Hour (08.26.2020)

Assistant Professor Oleksandr Tsymbaliuk to join faculty in August 2020 (07.28.2020)

Sam Nariman to join Faculty in Fall 2020 (07.28.2020)

Rolando de Santiago to join in August 2020 (07.28.2020)

Ning Wei will join as a new tenure-track assistant professor (07.28.2020)

Daniel Le as a new tenure-track assistant professor in August 2020 (07.28.2020)

Christopher Janjigian will join the Department of Mathematics (07.28.2020)

Irena Swanson selected as next Department Head (04.15.2020)

Robert Gustafson named a 2020 Goldwater Scholar (04.15.2020)

Newly promoted faculty members (04.08.2020)

Professor Jie Shen selected as SIAM Fellow (04.01.2020)

Recalling staff, faculty and students who are abroad (03.20.2020)

SIAM Features Boutin’s Work on Shape From Echoes (03.05.2020)

13th Annual Women in Mathematics Day (02.25.2020)

Mathematics graduate students receive the Purdue Teaching Academy Graduate Teaching Award (02.20.2020)

Professor Buzzard and collaborators receive SIAM Imaging Sciences Best Paper Prize (02.20.2020)

Prof. Linquan Ma receives 2020 Sloan Research Fellowship (02.16.2020)

CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation (01.17.2020)

Memorial resolution for Clarence Wilkerson (01.10.2020)

PUrview 2019 (01.09.2020)

Professor Guang Lin named as a University Faculty Scholar. (12.10.2018)

Donatella Danielli and Aaron Yip inducted into Book of Great Teachers. (11.29.2018)

Obituary for Eleftherios C. "Terry" Zachmanoglou (11.16.2018)

Prof. Wolfgang Dahmen to present Distinguished Lecture Series talk (11.12.2018)

Cai honored with College of Science Research Award (11.05.2018)

Graduate Research Day 2018 (11.02.2018)

Prof. Saugata Basu named AMS Fellow (11.01.2018)

Faculty honored for years of service (10.24.2018)

Math Continuing Lecturers honored for work in open access (10.22.2018)

Summer 2018 PUrview now available (09.06.2018)

Clare Booth Luce Fellowship awardee announced. (06.18.2018)

AWM Chapter receives Professional Development Award (06.04.2018)

Assistant Professor Linquan Ma to join faculty in August 2018 (04.12.2018)

Math undergraduate receives NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (04.10.2018)

Prof. Matsuki receives Most Distinguished Faculty for Academics award (04.03.2018)

Dr. Sam Huckaba named Distinguished Alumnus in Mathematics (03.30.2018)

Assistant Professor Isaac Harris to join faculty in August 2018 (03.21.2018)

Assistant Professor Theresa Anderson to join faculty in August 2018 (03.20.2018)

Assistant Professor Jing Wang to join faculty in August 2018 (03.20.2018)

2017-18 Excellence in Teaching Awards (03.19.2018)

Clare Boothe Luce grant to support incoming female student (02.12.2018)

Dr. Eugenia Cheng to deliver Math Is Key talk (02.06.2018)

Black Suns: An Astrophysics Adventure screening (01.26.2018)

Prof. Banuelos named a recipient of 2018 Dreamer Award (01.12.2018)

Xia named University Faculty Scholar (12.05.2017)

Inaugural AWM Fellows class to include Prof. Rodrigo Bañuelos (11.10.2017)

Prof. Freydoon Shahidi's 70th birthday honored by journal (10.03.2017)

Jason Gomberg named Actuarial Science Outstanding Alumnus (09.27.2017)

2017 Outstanding Alumnus in Mathematics (09.20.2017)

11th Annual Women in Math Day, Sept. 28 (09.07.2017)

Prof. Jan S. Hesthaven to present a Distinguished Lecture Series talk (08.28.2017)

Summer 2017 PUrview (08.21.2017)

Departmental Photo Day, Aug. 22 (08.21.2017)

Prof. Cushman plays role in developing new battery (07.20.2017)

Actuarial Science major receives Bruce Helfert Memorial Award (05.02.2017)

Mathematical Statistics major named Truman Scholar (05.01.2017)

Math major receives national Goldwater Scholarship (05.01.2017)

Mathematics Award and Scholarship winners recognized (04.28.2017)

Peter Boyd named 2017 G.A. Ross awardee (04.21.2017)

Prof. Jingwei Hu receives CAREER award (04.20.2017)

2016 - 2017 Spira Awards (04.14.2017)

Prof. Feng's research featured in annual report (04.07.2017)

Mathematics Alliance receives AMS Programs that Make A Difference Award (04.05.2017)

Pi Outreach at Imagination Station (03.24.2017)

Mathematics Distinguished Alumna named (03.14.2017)

Sir John Ball to present a Distinguished Lecture Series talk (03.01.2017)

Prof. Chi Li receives 2017 Sloan Research Fellowship (02.21.2017)

Prof. Plamen Stefanov wins 2017 College of Science Research Award (01.31.2017)

Prof. Bauman elected chair of SIAM Activity Group (01.25.2017)

2016 Excellence in Teaching Awards Announced (01.12.2017)

Hidden Figures Author to Speak (01.06.2017)

Supplemental Instruction Leaders win award, honorable mention (12.16.2016)

Information sessions for international students and scholars on Nov. 8 by US immigration attorney (11.04.2016)

10th Annual Women in Math Day, Nov. 15 (11.04.2016)

Profs. Donatella Danielli and Jie Shen named AMS Fellows (11.02.2016)

Prof. Birgit Kaufmann named University Faculty Scholar (10.28.2016)

Prof. Rachael Kenney named Teaching Academy Fellow (10.25.2016)

Prof. Roger Temam to present a Distinguished Lecture Series talk (10.07.2016)

ITaP to remove overhead projectors by end of academic year. (09.28.2016)

AMS, Lathisms marks Hispanic Heritage Month with scholar profiles (09.19.2016)

Paul Schultz named Outstanding Alumnus in Actuarial Science. (09.12.2016)

Dr. Sheldon Ross named mathematics Outstanding Alumnus (09.12.2016)

Alumna chosen as Knowles Science Teaching Foundation Fellow (09.01.2016)

Notices talks Math Alliance with Prof. Goldberg (08.31.2016)

PRiME introduced undergrads to the world of mathematics research (08.09.2016)

Actuarial science program named a best value (08.03.2016)

Photo Day, Friday Aug. 26 (08.02.2016)

EDGE Program hosted at Purdue (06.02.2016)

Peter Boyd receives Bruce Helfert Memorial Award (05.17.2016)

Prof. Indrei and Prof Liu join the department (05.12.2016)

Graduating Senior talks about journey to mathematics major with Purdue Exponent (05.05.2016)

Prof. Jim Douglas (05.02.2016)

Students recognized with scholarships, awards (04.28.2016)

2016 Purdue Day of Giving (04.26.2016)

Dana Smith receives the Flora Roberts Award (04.21.2016)

Stephen Mussman, Alumnus, receives NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (04.19.2016)

Teaching Academy Graduate Teaching Awards (04.18.2016)

Guru meets Yogi in math class (04.04.2016)

2016 Mathematics Distinguished Alumna announced (04.04.2016)

Lecture illustrates the mathematics of gravitational waves (03.21.2016)

PRiME 2016: Purdue Research in Mathematics Experience presents undergraduates with research opportunities (03.09.2016)

LON-CAPA's flexibility, affordability touted (03.04.2016)

Prof. Guang Lin receives NSF CAREER award (03.03.2016)

Lafferty receives MacLane Award (02.29.2016)

2016 College of Science Faculty and Staff Awards (02.29.2016)

2016 Baxter awardees announced (02.26.2016)

Professor Marius Dadarlat organizes a Program on Classification of Operator Algebras: Complexity, Rigidity, and Dynamics at the Mittag-Leffler Institute. (02.18.2016)

Prof. Priyam Patel recognized with NSCS Inspire Integrity Award (02.10.2016)

Professor Ralph Kaufmann organizes a Program on Higher Structures in Geometry and Physics at the Max Planck Institute. (01.27.2016)

Prof. Johnny Brown Recognized with Dreamer Award (01.20.2016)

National Alliance for Doctoral Studies in the Mathematical Sciences to move to Purdue. (01.18.2016)

2014 Excellence in Teaching Awards (12.29.2014)

Julie Morris Receives the Bravo Award (12.24.2014)

Stephen M. Weingram obituary (11.21.2014)

QLA Meets QIT 2019 (10.23.2014)

AMS Sectional Meeting 2020 (10.23.2014)

2017-2018 Spira Award winners (10.23.2014)

Dr. Dongwoo Sheen and Chris Freese named Outstanding Alumni (10.23.2014)

Educational access topic of President's Lecture Series talk (10.23.2014)

Fall Insights Features Online Courseware (10.23.2014)

Multi-fidelity Information Fusion Algorithms for High Dimensional Systems and Massive Data-sets (10.23.2014)

2014 Outstanding Alumni Recognition (09.26.2014)

8th Annual Women in Mathematics Day (09.26.2014)

Alumnus Yitang Zhang awarded MacArthur Fellowship (09.18.2014)

Purdue alumnus Yitang Zhang at the International Congress of Mathematicians (08.21.2014)

Vaughan H. Weston obituary (08.12.2014)

Math students excel in multidisciplinary project (07.18.2014)

Actuarial Science, popular major, hot job (06.20.2014)

Math Brothers (06.19.2014)

New Faculty (05.29.2014)

Congratulations to our Outstanding Students! (05.05.2014)

Donatella Danielli named Simons Fellow (05.05.2014)

Jonathon Peterson receives Teaching for Tomorrow Award (04.18.2014)

4-30-14: Purdue Day of Giving (04.16.2014)

2014 Distinguished Mathematics Alumnus (04.08.2014)

2014 Distinguished Actuarial Science Alumnus (04.08.2014)

Arlie Petters gave "Math is Key" public lecture on April 8 (03.31.2014)

Online video library gives calculus students a resource to turn to anytime, anywhere (03.28.2014)

Purdue professor protected pi from half-baked bill in 1800s (03.28.2014)

2014 Staff Recognition (03.07.2014)

Middle school students participate in Math Field Day (12.06.2012)

2012-13 Excellence in Teaching Awards (11.16.2012)

Tribute to Shreeram S. Abhyankar (11.06.2012)

AMS Fellows anounced (11.01.2012)

Math alum Andris Zoltners endows professorship (10.24.2012)

2012 Ruth and Joel Spira Teaching Awards (10.18.2012)

6th Annual Celebration of Women in Mathematics (09.27.2012)

2012 Outstanding Alumni Recognition (09.26.2012)

Purdue at MathFest 2012 (08.10.2012)

Purdue Students win Poster Awards at Conference for African-American Mathematicians (07.06.2012)

Abhyankar 82nd Birthday Conference (07.03.2012)

Undergrads pursue Summer Research Projects (06.29.2012)

Purdue attends second annual Underrepresented Students in Topology and Algebra Research Symposium (USTARS) (06.27.2012)

2011-12 Math Conferences (06.27.2012)

Erika Camacho visits Purdue University via Mathematical Biosciences Institute’s Visiting Lecturer Program (06.27.2012)

ADVANCE PRiME Speaker Series: Women of Color in the Mathematical Sciences (06.26.2012)

Fifth symposium on Analysis and PDEs (05.18.2012)

Message from the Department Head (05.17.2012)

Recent retirements (05.15.2012)

Reminiscence (05.15.2012)

AWM Student Chapter (05.15.2012)

Celebration of Outstanding Students (05.15.2012)

New Faculty (05.15.2012)

Faculty Promotions (05.15.2012)

2012 Distinguished Alumni (04.19.2012)

Simons Fellowships Announced (03.20.2012)

Math is Key Public Lecture: Richard Tapia on the The Math Of Drag Racing Myths (03.20.2012)

Rachel Kenney receives College of Science teaching award (02.23.2012)

Staff Recognition (02.23.2012)

Jie Shen appointed Director of CCAM (02.17.2012)

Tong Liu awarded Sloan Fellowship (02.17.2012)

Math lecturer Tim Delworth is helping redesign teaching at Purdue (01.30.2012)

AGEP Prime: Building a Community of Scholars (01.15.2012)

2011-12 Excellence in Teaching Awards (11.18.2011)

2011 Outstanding Mathematics Alumna — Loredana Lanzani (10.04.2011)

2011 Outstanding Actuarial Science Alumna — Julie Parsons (10.04.2011)

5th Annual Celebration of Women in Mathematics (10.03.2011)

de Hoop's work featured in Science (06.02.2011)

New Faculty (05.24.2011)

Faculty Promotions (05.24.2011)

Faculty Retirements (05.24.2011)

Obituary for Justin J. Price (05.24.2011)

Obituary for Samuel Kaplan (05.24.2011)

Message from the Department Head (05.23.2011)

Staff Retirements (05.18.2011)

Staff Recognition (05.18.2011)

Undergrads Search for Solutions (05.18.2011)

Birgit Kaufmann receives Teaching for Tomorrow Award (05.13.2011)

Kenney receives Faculty Research Fellowship (05.13.2011)

Buzzard receives Purdue Excellence in Research Award (05.13.2011)

Stefanov awarded Simons Visiting Professorship (05.13.2011)

2010-11 Mathematics Conferences (05.12.2011)

Reginald McGee Powers Up His Teaching (05.11.2011)

Department Celebrates Outstanding Students (05.03.2011)

Mathematician totally engaged in exploring partial differential equations (04.28.2011)

2011 Ruth and Joel Spira Teaching Awards (04.20.2011)

2011 Distinguished Alumni (04.07.2011)

Bell receives Provost's Graduate Mentor Award (04.04.2011)

Jim Douglas, Jr. named 2011 SIAM Fellow (03.31.2011)

Xiu appointed University Faculty Scholar (03.04.2011)

Cushman receives InterPore Award (02.22.2011)

Albers awarded IAS von Neumann Fellowship (02.11.2011)

Andrew Toms awarded 2011 AMS Centennial Fellowship (02.04.2011)

Mayboroda receives NSF CAREER Award (01.13.2011)

Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, 150 N. University Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067

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