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Uli Walther

Uli Walther Professor of Mathematics
  • 765 49-41959
  • MATH 600
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Research Interest(s):
Algebra and Commutative Algebra, Algebraic Geometry

Publications listed in MathSciNet

  • [1] Anurag K. Singh and Uli Walther. On the arithmetic rank of certain Segre products. In Commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, volume 390 of Contemp. Math., pages 147-155. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2005.
  • [2] Uli Walther. Algorithmic stratification of Rr Homr D( M,N) for regular algebraic D-modules on Cn. J. Symbolic Comput., 39(3-4):493-499, 2005.
  • [3] Laura Felicia Matusevich, Ezra Miller, and Uli Walther. Homological methods for hypergeometric families. J. Amer. Math. Soc., 18(4):919-941 (electronic), 2005.
  • [4] Uli Walther. Bernstein-Sato polynomial versus cohomology of the Milnor fiber for generic hyperplane arrangements. Compos. Math., 141(1):121-145, 2005.
  • [5] Uli Walther. Cohomology, stratifications and parametric Gröbner bases in characteristic zero. J. Symbolic Comput., 35(5):527-542, 2003. Computer algebra and computer analysis (Berlin, 2001).
  • [6] Uli Walther. D-modules and cohomology of varieties. In Computations in algebraic geometry with Macaulay 2, volume 8 of Algorithms Comput. Math., pages 281-323. Springer, Berlin, 2002.
  • [7] Uli Walther. Algorithmic determination of the rational cohomology of complex varieties via differential forms. In Symbolic computation: solving equations in algebra, geometry, and engineering (South Hadley, MA, 2000), volume 286 of Contemp. Math., pages 185-206. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2001.
  • [8] Harrison Tsai and Uli Walther. Computing homomorphisms between holonomic D-modules. J. Symbolic Comput., 32(6):597-617, 2001. Effective methods in rings of differential operators.
  • [9] Uli Walther. Computing the cup product structure for complements of complex affine varieties. J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 164(1-2):247-273, 2001. Effective methods in algebraic geometry (Bath, 2000).
  • [10] Mircea Mustata, Gregory G. Smith, Harrison Tsai, and Uli Walther. D-modules on smooth toric varieties. J. Algebra, 240(2):744-770, 2001.
  • [11] Uli Walther, Tryphon T. Georgiou, and Allen Tannenbaum. On the computation of switching surfaces in optimal control: a Gröbner basis approach. IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, 46(4):534-540, 2001.
  • [12] Uli Walther. On the Lyubeznik numbers of a local ring. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 129(6):1631-1634 (electronic), 2001.
  • [13] Mircea Mustata, Gregory G. Smith, Harrison Tsai, and Uli Walther. D-modules on smooth toric varieties. Surikaisekikenkyusho Kokyuroku, (1171):93-120, 2000. Algorithms for D-modules (Japanese) (Kyoto, 2000).
  • [14] Uli Walther. Algorithmic computation of de Rham cohomology of complements of complex affine varieties. J. Symbolic Comput., 29(4-5):795-839, 2000. Symbolic computation in algebra, analysis, and geometry (Berkeley, CA, 1998).
  • [15] Toshinori Oaku, Nobuki Takayama, and Uli Walther. A localization algorithm for D-modules. J. Symbolic Comput., 29(4-5):721-728, 2000. Symbolic computation in algebra, analysis, and geometry (Berkeley, CA, 1998).
  • [16] Uli Walther. Algorithmic computation of local cohomology modules and the local cohomological dimension of algebraic varieties. J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 139(1-3):303-321, 1999. Effective methods in algebraic geometry (Saint-Malo, 1998).

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