Antoine Prouff
Department of Mathematics
Purdue University
150 North University Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067, USA
: MATH 419, Mathematical Sciences Building
: (+1) 765-494-1905
I am a Golomb Visiting Assitant Professor, mentored by
Kiril Datchev
In June 2024, I received a PhD in Mathematics from
Université Paris-Saclay
(Orsay), under the supervision of
Matthieu Léautaud
Research interests:
Microlocal analysis, classical-quantum correspondence principle and applications to PDE control theory; branched optimal transport.
Papers and preprints
Egorov's theorem in the Weyl–Hörmander calculus
Uniform stability of the damped wave equation with a confining potential in the Euclidean space
Observability of the Schrödinger equation with subquadratic confining potential in the Euclidean space
To appear in Analysis & PDE.
Stability of optimal traffic plans in the irrigation problem
(with Maria Colombo, Antonio De Rosa, Andrea Marchese and Paul Pegon)
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems,
2022, 42(4): 1647-1667.
Proceedings papers
Smoothing effect and quantum-classical correspondence for the Schrödinger equation with confining potential
To appear in CJC-MA 2023 ESAIM:Proc&S.
PhD thesis
Quantum-classical correspondence principle and application to the control of wave and Schrödinger equations in the Euclidean space
Matthieu Léautaud
; defense on June 11, 2024).
Spectral and scattering theory seminar
, Purdue University, USA (Aug. 2024)
Young Researchers Symposium 2024
, Strasbourg, France (Jun. 2024)
Itinerant Quantum Math Meetings
, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy (Apr. 2024)
Analysis seminar (online)
, FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany (Oct. 2023)
Meeting of the ANR "Adyct"
, Université Côte d'Azur, France (Sept. 2023)
Congrès des Jeunes Chercheurs en Mathématiques et Applications
, CentraleSupélec, France (Sept. 2023)
Analysis seminar
, Université de Nantes, France (Jun. 2023)
Analysis PhD students' seminar
, Orsay, France (Mar. 2023)
, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain (Mar. 2022)
Teaching Spring 2025
MA 26500 Linear algebra
Section 282: MWF 8:30–9:20 am, in WALC 3154
Section 285: MWF 9:30–10:20 am, in WALC 3154
Office hours: Tu 4:00–5:30 pm, Th 8:30–10:00 am, in MATH 419
Course main page