The exam information will be posted on this page.
There will be one midterm (evening) exam covering the first half of the course and one final exam covering the second half of the course (so the final exam is not comprehensive).
Final Exam
Final Exam is scheduled:
Mon, Dec 11, 2023, 8:00-10:00am, in SMTH 208
- The exam will be open book: you may bring a copy of the textbook [E], as well as copies of [J] and [ABR]. Printouts from electronic copies are ok. No other books, notes, or any kind of electronic devices are permitted during the exam. (In particular, the copies of textbooks that you bring should not contain any notes, but highlights are fine.)
- The exam is not comprehensive, it will cover the material starting from Thur, Oct 19 up to end of the course (see Course Log)
- We will have a review on Thur, Dec 7, in class.
Midterm Exam
Midterm Exam is scheduled:
Thur, Oct 19, 2023, 8:00-10:00pm, in SC 239
- The exam will be open book: you may bring a copy of the textbook [E]. Printouts from an electronic copy of the book are ok. No other books, notes, or any kind of electronic devices are permitted during the exam. (In particular, the copy of [E] that you bring should not contain any notes, but highlights are fine.)
- The exam will cover the material up to and inclusive the lecture on Thur, Oct 12.
- We will have a review either on Tue, Oct 17 or Thur, Oct 19, in class (to be decided).