The exam information will be posted on this page.

There will be two midterm exams and a final, most likely in take-home format. The exact information will be posted here at least two weeks in advance.

Final Exam

Take-home exam. It is also optional (see Final Score Calculation below)

  • Download here: [Final Exam] (available after 12:01am on Mon, Apr 29)
  • Submit in Gradescope
  • Comprehensive exam, covering Chap 1-5 and part of 6 in [Stein-Shakarchi].
  • We will have a review/discussion for the exam 7:00-9:00pm on Thur, May 02 in PRCE 277 (the university scheduled time and location for the Final Exam, which we will use for this review session).

Deadline: 11:59pm on Fri, May 03

Final Score Calculation

Your final score will be calculated as the maximum of scores obtained by the two schemes

	Scheme I = (3/10)ME1 + (3/10)ME2 + (1/5)FE + (1/5)HW,
	Scheme II = (3/8)ME1 + (3/8)ME2 + (1/4)HW,

where FE, MEi, HW are the scores (in %) for Final Exam, Midterm Exam i, Homework, respectively. Thus, if you skip the Final Exam, your score will automatically be calculated by Scheme II.

Exam Rules

  • You can use your textbook, lecture notes, and any other resources during the exam. However, you are strictly prohibited from sharing or discussing the exam problems with anyone, including your classmates or other students, or seeking any external help.
  • As a Purdue student, you are bound by Purdue’s Academic Integrity Rules.
  • In your solutions/proofs, you may use results from the textbook of this course or from courses you have taken before. You should either give a precise reference or clearly state the result you are using. You can also use the results from the assigned homework problems without proofs, but, again, with a precise reference. The level of detail provided in your solutions should be comparable to that in the textbook.

Midterm Exam 2

Take-home exam.

  • Download here: [Midterm Exam 2] (available after 9:00am on Sat, Apr 13)
  • Submit in Gradescope
  • Exam covers Chap 4–5 [Stein-Shakarchi].
  • We will have a review/discussion for the exam on Tue, Apr 16, in class.

Deadline: 9:00am on Thur, Apr 18

Exam Rules

  • You can use your textbook, lecture notes, and any other resources during the exam. However, you are strictly prohibited from sharing or discussing the exam problems with anyone, including your classmates or other students, or seeking any external help.
  • As a Purdue student, you are bound by Purdue’s Academic Integrity Rules.
  • In your solutions/proofs, you may use results from the textbook of this course or from courses you have taken before. You should either give a precise reference or clearly state the result you are using. You can also use the results from the assigned homework problems without proofs, but, again, with a precise reference. The level of detail provided in your solutions should be comparable to that in the textbook.

Midterm Exam 1

Take-home exam.

  • Download here: [Midterm Exam 1]
    • Updated: 5:43pm on Mar 5: Added a hint to 3(b) with a localization result you can use without proof.
    • Updated: 2:45pm on Mar 4: In the Hint of 1(b), \(s_n\) should be \(s_N\).
  • Submit in Gradescope
  • Exam covers Chap 1–3 in [Stein-Shakarchi].
  • We will have a review/discussion for the exam on Tue, Mar 5, in class.

Deadline: 9:00am on Thur, Mar 7

Exam Rules

  • You can use your textbook, lecture notes, and any other resources during the exam. However, you are strictly prohibited from sharing or discussing the exam problems with anyone, including your classmates or other students, or seeking any external help.
  • As a Purdue student, you are bound by Purdue’s Academic Integrity Rules.
  • In your solutions/proofs, you may use results from the textbook of this course or from courses you have taken before. You should either give a precise reference or clearly state the result you are using. You can also use the results from the assigned homework problems without proofs, but, again, with a precise reference. The level of detail provided in your solutions should be comparable to that in the textbook.