This page might seem kind of dumb because you obviously know how to start Netscape if you are looking at this. (I'm assuming that you are reading this from a math department SUN before you go to the PUCC PC lab.)
First, log on with your Purdue Career Account login ID and password (see Logging onto a PUCC PC).
After a few seconds, the Win95 desktop will appear. Click on the word START with the left mouse button (in the upper left corner of the screen) to expose a menu. Choose
/Standard Software/Web Tools/Netscape/
and then highlight Communicator 4.05 in the last menu.
A Netscape window will appear in a few seconds. Select OPEN PAGE from the file menu and type in the URL
in the dialogue box and then click on GO or OPEN IN BROWSER.
Here are some nice math related links to try sometime at your leisure:
AMS Professional Services
Other Math sites
You are now ready to move on to the next section, telnetting to math from a PUCC PC
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