Greetings and Welcome to MA 366, Ordinary Differential Equations! Find my welcome video near the top of the MA 366 home page at which is the place to find ALL course info about MA 366. My Protect Purdue Pledge to you takes the form, "Nobody is going to get COVID from taking MA 366." This course will be delivered as a fully online course. I know well how to do that because I have taught courses in Purdue's Online ProEd masters programs. Video lectures for the course can be found at The video lectures are from Fall, 2019, so do not pay attention to special instructions there about exams, homework, or due dates. I will send you that kind of information in weekly emails. Because I won't be spending time preparing and giving lectures this semester, I will have time to give you lavish attention in online interactions, making this semester's MA 366 potentially better than the usual. The assignment for the first week of class is: ------------------------------------------- Watch lecture videos for Lessons 1,2,3 and read sections 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 of the book. Homework 1 covers this material and consists of the following problems from B & DiP: p. 8: 3, 4, 10, 12, 14, 18, 19, 25(use dfield) p. 15: 1a, 2b, 6, 7 p. 22: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 13, 14 Turn in a single document as a PDF or a scanned PDF in Brightspace by 11:00 pm on Wednesday, September 2. ------------------------------------------- It is important to read the excellent textbook, "Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems 11e", by Boyce and DiPrima, 11th Edition, Wiley, and to view the lecture videos. I think watching the video for each lesson before reading the section from the book that it covers is the way to go. I will hold office hours in WebEx. Find instructions on how to join my WebEx meeting room from a link on the home page. A MA 366 Piazza page will be another way to get homework help. Find links to it on the home page. You will get an email invitation to join the Piazza page during the first week of class. Use your Purdue email address as your login for Piazza. You will turn in homework by uploading it to Brightspace in the form of a PDF or a scanned PDF. Graduate student graders will grade your homework and you will find your scores and graded papers in Brightspace too. Find grading policies on the home page. The two midterm exams and the final exam will be take-home exams that you will upload to Brightspace as PDF or scanned PDF files. These will be more educational than the usual in-class exams, and this is another reason the course might be better than usual. If I get COVID, the course should be able to run on autopilot for awhile, with help from our TAs. If you get COVID, let me know and we'll work out a way for you to make up the work after you recover enough. If you do not recover in time to finish the work by the end of the semester, you will get an incomplete and you can finish the course later. I will send out a video pep-talk once a week with course information and follow it up with an email that summarizes the important points. Welcome to MA 366! -Steve Bell --- END