Dear MA 366, Exam 2 will be a take-home exam covering Lessons 10-32 on Chapters 3, 4, 7, 9.1 and 9.2. I will post the exam on Thursday, Nov 12. The exam will be due in Brightspace by 10:00 pm on Tuesday, Nov 17. I have posted review material on the home page and I will talk about some of it in the review lecture for next Wednesday. Rules and conditions for taking Exam 2 -------------------------------------- During the exam, you can consult: 1. Our textbook, Boyce and DiPrima. 2. A freshman calculus book. 3. Your own notes for MA 366 and the notes and videos of my lectures on the home page. 4. You could use dfield and pplane, but no other forms of computer technology. (In particular, no googling, symbolab, or Wolfram alpha, etc.) 5. You can use a calculator, but you shouldn't need to. --- END