Info for week 15 of MA 366 -------------------------- Find a low-energy pep-talk version of this email at This week, Lessons 37 and 38 continue the basics of Laplace transform that I started in Lesson 36 before Thanksgiving. This is the "frosting on the cake" that I promised you. I have added some practice problems about the Laplace transform at the end of the homework list. These are not to be turned in, but are worth doing. There will be one question on the final exam about Laplace transform of a very rudimentary type. HWK 12 is the last homework assignment and is due Wed, Dec 2 at 11:00 pm. It is only two problems. I will hold office hours as usual this week in my WebEx meeting room at I will release the final exam to you on Monday, Dec 7 at 1:00 pm and it will be due in Brightspace by Thurs, Dec 10 at 10:00 pm. It is a 20 question multiple choice exam that can be done in less than two hours. I will give you up to three hours to do it (in one sitting). You will turn in your exam in two separate parts uploaded to Brightspace. The first part is a one page PDF of your answers in the form of twenty lines containing [problem number] [answer letter] like this: 1 E 2 B 3 A ...etc. The second part will be a separate scanned PDF of your handwritten work. If you want to print the exam, you can show your work on the exam sheets (minus the cover sheet). You can also choose not to print the exam and write your work on separate sheets of paper and then scan them to PDF. In that case, do not include the exam in your scan to keep the file size down. During the exam, you can consult: Our textbook, Boyce and DiPrima. A freshman calculus book. Your own notes for MA 366 and the notes and videos of my lectures on the home page. You can use a calculator, but you shouldn't need to. No computer technology this time. (In particular, no pplane or dfield, no googling, symbolab, or Wolfram alpha, etc.) Ask questions about the exam via Private Piazza posts or emails to me. Best wishes for a reasonable end to this semester. -Steve Bell ------------------------------------------- Week 15 work Watch the videos for Lesson 37, 38 and the two review lectures. Read 6.1 - 6.5 on the Laplace transform. HWK 12 is due Wed, Dec 1 9.3 p. 415: 8a-d 9.4 p. 426: 3a-e ------------------------------------------- Please grade your exam 2 papers and input your score in the Survey on Brightspace by Friday, Dec 4. --- END