Info for week 4 of MA 366 ------------------------- Find my pep-talk video for week 4 at HWK 3 is due Wed, Sept 16 at 11:00 pm in Brightspace. HWK 4 is not due until Wed, Sept 30 because: Exam 1 will be an open textbook, open course notes, take-home exam that I will release on Friday, Sept 18, and will be due on Tuesday, Sept 22 at 10:00 pm in Brightspace as a single PDF or scanned PDF file. It will cover lessons 1-9. Find some review problems for Exam 1 at and an old exam with solutions at I will talk about some of these in my review lecture for Wed, Sept 16. I will hold WebEx office hours as posted on the home page like usual. -Steve Bell ------------------------------------------- Week 4 work: Watch the videos for Lesson 10 and the review lecture and read section 2.7 of the book. Try to work the review problems before watching the review lecture for best results. (Part of Lesson 10 continues Lesson 9 and the rest describes numerical methods for solving first order ODEs and is a good way to review the meaning of direction fields, even though 2.7 will not be on the exam.) ------------------------------------------- and don't forget to turn in your HWK 3 paper in Brightspace by 11:00 pm on Wed, Sept 16. ------------------------------------------- END