Dear MA 366, Exam 1 can now be found via a link on the home page that takes you to It is a two page, five question exam. You will need to upload your exam solutions as a single PDF or a scanned PDF in Brightspace by 10:00 pm on Tuesday, Sept 22. Here are the materials you may consult during the exam: ---------------------------------------- 1. Our textbook, Boyce and DiPrima. 2. A freshman calculus book. 3. Your own notes for MA 366 and the notes and videos of my lectures on the home page. 4. You may use dfield and pplane, but no other forms of computer technology. (In particular, no googling, symbolab, or Wolfram alpha.) 5. You may use a calculator, but you shouldn't need to. ---------------------------------------- By the way, the course Academic Integrity policies can be found deep in the home page under Please, only private questions to me in Piazza until this is over. I can also answer questions on email or WebEx by appointment. I hope you find this exam to be more worthwhile than the usual. -Steve Bell --- END