Steve Bell's Math 428 class

Fourier Analysis

MA 42800 001 (CRN 10703) MWF 2:30 to 3:20 pm in SCHM 313


Professor Steve Bell
Office: Math 750
Office phone: (765)-494-1497
Office hours: T,Th 2:00-3:00 pm and anytime on Piazza
Email: bell AT purdue DOT you_know_where

Grader: Victor Hughes
Office: MATH 613
Email: vhughes AT purdue DOT you_know_where

Textbook: Fourier Analysis, by Elias M. Stein and R. Shakarchi, Princeton, 2003.

We will cover the Introduction and Chapters 1-5 of the textbook.

The AFTERMATH -- scribbled over notes from Bell's tablet PC at the end of lecture and videos of lectures

Homework assignments

Useful Fourier series formulas

Midterm exam

The midterm exam will be an in-class 50 minute exam on Wednesday, March 5.

It is a closed books, no notes, no electronics exam covering lectures 1-19 on

Chapters 1, 2, 3 (minus sections 3 and 5.3 from Chap 2).

You can bring one two-sided crib sheet of standard sized paper
handwritten only on both sides.

I will supply the paper. You only need pencils, an eraser, and your crib sheet.

Study material for the exam

The Final exam is Friday, May 9, 7:00-9:00 pm in RHPH 164

More syllabus items

Something about Poisson and Dirichlet, a short paper about harmonic functions
and solving the Dirichlet problem as quickly and easily as possible.

A LaTeX tutorial for Piazza to be viewed in Adobe Reader in full screen mode a page at a time.

Purdue Remote software to get MAPLE

A quick MAPLE tutorial

Course Accommodations

Purdue University strives to make learning experiences
accessible to all participants. If you anticipate or
experience physical or academic barriers based on disability,
you are encouraged to contact the Disability Resource
Center at: or by phone: 765-494-1247.

In this mathematics course, accommodations are managed
between the instructor, student, and the DRC Testing Center.

Students should see Prof. Bell outside class hours to
discuss accommodations as early as possible.


for more information about how accommodations are handled
in the math department.