[mandelbrot set] MATH DEPT Computer News, Volume 38

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Adding the Math Seminar calendar to your google calendar

...with thanks to Kelly Beranger

You can use the Google Math Seminar Calendar to send you a schedule of Seminars every day at 5 am using Google Calendar's Agenda Notifications function. You can also have the Math Seminar Calendar displayed on your personal google calendar.

I first set up a google account using my Purdue address so I could receive these e-mails to my purdue account. If you want to use your already existing google account you may skip the first two steps.

1. Cut and paste the following link to set up your account. https://accounts.google.com/SignUpWithoutGmail (Note at the bottom you MUST agree to the terms of service and privacy policy, but you DO NOT have to agree to allow google to use your account information to personalize your +'s and ads on non-google websites. You also do not have to provide a mobile phone number, which they use to help reset passwords.)

2. You will receive an e-mail asking your to confirm your account. Do so.

3. Once your account is set up and you've signed in via your browser you can go https://www.math.purdue.edu/calendar/seminars and click on the + Google Calendar icon on the bottom right of the seminar calendar

4. Since you are already signed into Google it will go to your calendar page and ask you if you want to add the Mathematics Seminars calendars. Click Yes, add this calendar. Google will add this calendar in your Other Calendars list.

5. On your Google Calendar page on the right hand side of the page there is an icon that looks like a gear. Click that to see a drop-down menu. Select Settings.

6. In settings select Calendars on the left hand side to see the Calendars settings.

7. Under Other Calendars find the Mathematics Seminars calendar. For this calendar you can adjust NOTIFICATIONS by clicking on Reminders and notifications.

8. Click on the Email box under Daily agenda. Then click on the save button. This button can be found on the top and bottom on the left hand side of the page.

Once you set up e-mail notifications you'll receive an e-mail from Google Calendar with an agenda list of seminars at ~5 am in whatever timezone your calendar is set for. To check what your Time Zone settings are go to the Gear icon on your Google Calendar, select Settings, then under General check what Your current time zone is set for. Mine is set for (GMT -05:00) Eastern Time.

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