Alden Bradford

- Title:Math Graduate Student
- Degrees:BS 2016 Washington State University
- Office:MATH 1044
- Personal
As of 2024, this page is no longer maintained. It is a snapshot of a point in history. For up-to-date information about me, see my personal website.
About Me
I am a PhD candidate in the math department at Purdue University. By my reckoning, that makes me a 23rd grader. My research is in data science; specifically, I have been working on improving and documenting the n-TARP clustering algorithm, under my advisor Mireille Boutin.
I do a number of hobby projects in programming, electronics, and hand crafts. Some of those are available on my homepage. Others I have hosted here for now.
I sometimes use this website to host files I want to share with people. That gets put here.
From 2020 to 2022 I facilitated a reading group in my department focused on antiracism with my wife, which you can learn more about here. The reading group is currently facilitated by Patrick Debonis.