The Story So Far

Pretend that you are a mathematician. The same mathematician you have been pretending to for the last few days.

Your discovery of the trapezoid rule is a big hit at local conferences.

You want to share it with the world, and that means publication.

You are shooting near the top, for the Journal of the American Mathematical Society! Download their journal tools from their website and prepare to format your great discovery by reading the readme.

NOTE: You will receive an email about bibliography styles, but for now, do not worry about that - use the default biblatex style in this assignment.

Graded Exercise: Write a correctly formatted (according to the linked AMS specification) paper on the trapezoid rule no longer than two pages of content. Include an abstract, sections for a statement of the theorem, the example image and workthrough, and (very) rough "proof" that it works.

Submit both the tex and the pdf on Brightspace.


Biblatex, as described in this course, isn't working with the AMS styles yet in a default configuration. Instead, use bibtex:


And instead of \printbibliography, put:


To compile, run the four commands:

pdflatex example
bibtex example
pdflatex example
pdflatex example


Some people have asked about the abstract positioning. Do not worry about it at the moment; so long as you are in compliance with the author manual's abstract section - placing it in a abstract environment before the \maketitle - you are in compliance with the standard and thus with this assignment.

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