Curriculum Vitæ
- Education:
Promotion (Ph.D.), University of the Saarland, West Germany, 1980
Diplom (M.S.), University of the Saarland, West Germany, 1977
- Positions:
Professor, Purdue University, 2001-present
Clay Senior Scholar, SLMath, Berkeley, Spring 2024
Chern Visiting Professor, UC Berkeley, Fall 2023
Simons Foundation Fellow, MSRI, Berkeley, 2012-2013
Research Professor, MSRI, Berkeley, 2012-2013
General Member, MSRI, Berkeley, Fall 2002
Professor, Michigan State University, 1989-2001
Associate Professor, Michigan State University, 1986-1989
Assistant Professor, Michigan State University, 1984-1986
Visiting Assistant Professor, Northwestern University, 1983-1984
Visiting Assistant Professor, Purdue University, 1982-1983
Visiting Research Associate, Purdue University, 1981-1982,
supported by a research fellowship from DAAD
- Research Interests:
Commutative Algebra, Algebraic Geometry
- Honors:
Fellow of the AMS, Inaugural Class of 2012
Simons Foundation Fellow, MSRI, 2012-2013
Chern Visiting Professor, UC Berkeley, Fall 2023
Clay Senior Scholar, SLMath, Spring 2024
- Research Support as PI:
NSF research grant, 2022-2025
NSF conference grant, 2023-2024
NSF research grant, 2018-2021 (with a no-cost extension until 2023)
NSF research grant, 2015-2018 (with a no-cost extension until 2020)
NSF grant
Algebra and Geometry Meetings in the Midwest, 2015-2018
NSF research grant, 2012-2015
Simons Foundation Fellow, 2012-2013
NSF research grant, 2009-2012
NSF grant Special Algebra Meetings in the Midwest, 2008-2013
NSF grant
PASI: Commutative Algebra and its Connections to Geometry, 2009
NSF research grant, 2005-2009
NSF research grant, 2002-2005
NSF grant Midwest Commutative Algebra and Geometry Meeting, 2004
NSF research grant, 1999-2002
NSF research grant, 1996-1999
NSF US-Brazil cooperative research grant, 1994-1997
NSF research grant, 1993-1996
NSF research grant, 1990-1993
NSF research grant, 1988-1990
NSF grant for scientific computing equipment for the
mathematical sciences, 1988
NSF research grant, 1986-1988
NSF research grant, 1984-1986
Fellowship from DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), 1981-1982
- Ph.D. Students:
Elias Lopez, Licci Gorenstein ideals of deviation two, 1988
Mark Johnson, Cohen-Macaulay blowup algebras and constructions in
linkage, 1995
Laura Ghezzi, The depth of blowup rings of ideals, 2001
Christine Cumming, Residual intersections in Cohen-Macaulay rings, 2005
Louiza Fouli, A study on the core of ideals, 2006
Javid Validashti, Multiplicities of graded algebras, 2007
Yi-Huang Shen, Monomial curves, Gorenstein ideals, and Stanley
decompositions, 2009
Yu Xie, Formulas for the multiplicity of graded algebras, 2009 (advised jointly with W. Heinzer)
Kuei-Nuan Lin, Rees algebras of diagonal ideals, 2010
Paolo Mantero, Linkage and Hilbert functions, 2012
Lan Nguyen, Rees algebras of linearly presented ideals, 2013
Youngsu Kim, Quasi-Gorensteinness of extended Rees algebras, 2014
Jacob Boswell, Prime saturations and Rees algebras of almost linearly
presented ideals, 2015
Montano, Generalized multiplicities, reductions of ideals, and
depth of blowup algebras, 2015
Vivek Mukundan, Rees algebras and iterated Jacobian duals, 2016
Alessandra Costantini, Rees algebras and fiber cones of modules,
Monte Cooper, Bounding the degrees of the defining equations of Rees rings for certain
determinantal and
Pfaffian ideals, 2020
Roberto Ulloa-Esquivel, epsilon-multiplicity of modules
with finitely generated saturation Rees algebras, 2020
Tan Dang, Topics on the Cohen-Macaulay property of Rees algebras
and the Gorenstein linkage class of a complete intersection, 2020
Edward Price, On the defining ideals of Rees rings for
determinantal and Paffian ideals of generic height, 2020
Rachel Lynn, Specialization and complexity of integral closure of
ideals, 2021
Lindsey Hill, Integral closures of ideals and coefficient
ideals of monomial ideals, 2021
Vinh Nguyen, Bounds on generalized multiplicities and on heights of determinantal ideals, 2022
Matthew Weaver, The equations defining Rees algebras of ideals and modules
over hypersurface rings, 2022
Jenna Tarasova, Residual intersections and their generators, 2022
Sandra Sandoval Gomez, current (advised jointly with C. Polini at U. of Notre Dame)
Juan Ramirez, current (advised jointly with C. Polini at U. of Notre Dame)
Jelena Mojsilovic, current
Benjamin Mudrak, current
Siva Somasundaram, current
- Postdocs Mentored:
Hema Srinivasan, 1986-1988
Sangki Choi, 1989-1990
K. N. Raghavan, 1991-1993
Songqing Ding, 1993-1995
Claudia Polini, 1995-1998
Alberto Corso, 1998-2000
Claudia Miller, 2000-2001
Jean Chan, 2001-2003
Jooyoun Hong, 2003-2006
Gemma Colomé Nin, 2011-2013
Alexandra Seceleanu, MSRI, Fall 2012
Cleto Miranda Neto, 2012-2013
Wenbo Niu, 2011-2014
Victor Hugo Perez, 2013-2014
Madsen, 2016-2019
Editorial Work:
- Editorial board of the Journal of Algebra, since 2010
- Editorial board of the Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, since 2022
- Editorial board of the Palestine Journal of Mathematics, since 2010
- Editorial board of the Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 2008-2014
- Editorial board of the Proceedings of the AMS, 2002-2010
- Co-editor of The Landscape of Commutative Algebra, a
collection of articles that grew out of a conference at ICTP in
2023, to appear in the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series
- Co-editor of a special volume of the Journal of
Algebra in honor of Craig Huneke, J. Algebra 571 (2021)
- Co-editor of the proceedings of the conference Algebraic Geometry
and Commutative Algebra, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, 2012,
Bull. Braz. Math. Soc.
45 (2014)
- Co-editor of a special volume of the Journal of Pure and Applied
Algebra in honor of Wolmer Vasconcelos, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 201 (2005)
Book review in: Bulletin Amer. Math. Soc. 34 (1997), 177-181
Conferences Organized:
- Co-organizer of the Fellowship of the Ring, the virtual national
commutative algebra seminar, since 2020.
- Co-organizer of the Conference on Commutative Algebra and its
Interaction with Algebraic Geometry and Algebraic Combinatorics,
University of Notre Dame, August 2024.
- Organizer of the colloquium series during the Commutative Algebra Program, SLMath, Berkeley, January-May 2024.
- Co-organizer of the conference Written Geometry: Commutative
Algebra, CIRM (Centre
International de Rencontres Mathématiques), Luminy, France,
January 2023.
- Member of the local organizing committee for the AMS Sectional
Meeting at Purdue University, scheduled for April 2020 and postponed to March 2022.
- Co-organizer of a special session at the AMS Sectional Meeting
at Purdue University, scheduled for April 2020 and postponed to March 2022.
- Member of the scientific committee of the Virtual Commutative
Algebra Seminar, IIT Bombay, 2021-2022.
- Co-organizer of the conference
Algebraic Geometry and its Broader Implications:
a Celebration of Robin Hartshorne's 80th and the Book's
40th Birthday, University of Illinois at Chicago, March 2018.
- Co-organizer of the conference
Commutative Algebra and its Interactions with Algebraic Geometry:
Closure, Linkage, and Syzygies. A Conference in Honor of Craig
Huneke's 65th Birthday, University of Michigan, July 2016.
- Co-organizer of the
Midwest Commutative
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Conference. A Meeting in Honor of Juan
Migliore, University of Notre
Dame, May 2016.
- Co-organizer of the
Midwest Commutative
Algebra Conference, Purdue University, August 2015.
- Co-organizer of the special session
Commutative Algebra and
Algebraic Geometry at the Mathematical Congress of the Americas 2013,
Guanajuato, Mexico, August 2013.
- Co-organizer of the conference
Algebra and its Interaction with Algebraic Geometry, CIRM (Centre
International de Rencontres Mathématiques), Luminy, France,
July 2013.
- Co-organizer of the focus period
Rees Algebras and Integral Closure during
the Special Year on Commutative Algebra at MSRI, Berkeley, September 2012.
- Co-organizer of the conference
Algebraic Geometry and
IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 2012.
- Co-organizer of the
3rd Bluegrass Algebra
Conference, University of Kentucky, June 2012.
- Co-organizer of the
Commutative Algebra and Geometry
Conference at Purdue, Purdue University, May 2011.
- Co-organizer of a special session at the AMS Meeting
in Notre Dame, Indiana, November 2010.
- Co-organizer of the conference
Algebra and its Interaction with Algebraic Geometry, CIRM (Centre
International de Rencontres Mathématiques), Luminy, France,
November 2010.
- Co-organizer of a special session at the AMS Meeting
in Lexington, Kentucky, March 2010.
- Co-organizer of the summer school
PASI: Commutative Algebra and its Connections to Geometry, Olinda, Brazil,
August 2009.
- Co-organizer of the conference Commutative
Algebra and its Interaction with Algebraic Geometry, CIRM (Centre
International de Rencontres Mathématiques), Luminy, France,
September 2008.
- Co-organizer
of the conference Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra: A
Conference to Celebrate Robin Hartshorne's 70th Birthday,
University of Illinois at Chicago, April 2008.
- Co-organizer of the conference Commutative
Algebra and its Interaction with Algebraic Geometry, BIRS (Banff International
Research Station), Banff, Canada, June 2007.
- Co-organizer of the workshop Integral Closure, Adjoint Ideals
and Cores, AIM (American Institute of Mathematics), Palo Alto,
December 2006.
- Co-organizer of the UIC-Purdue Workshop on Algebraic Geometry and
Commutative Algebra, Purdue University,
December 2006.
- Co-organizer of the conference Commutative
Algebra and its Interaction with Algebraic Geometry, CIRM (Centre
International de Rencontres Mathématiques), Luminy, France,
May 2006.
- Co-organizer of a special session at the AMS
Meeting in Notre Dame, April 2006.
Co-organizer of the conference Commutative Algebra: Homological and Birational Theory,
BIRS, Banff, Canada, September 2004.
Co-organizer of the conference Midwest Commutative Algebra and Geometry Meeting: A Conference in Honor of Joseph Lipman,
Purdue University, May 2004.
Co-organizer of the conference Commutative Algebra and its
Interaction with Algebraic Geometry, CIRM, Luminy, France, June 2003.
Co-organizer of the workshop Commutative Algebra: Local and Birational
Theory during the Special Year on Commutative Algebra at
MSRI, Berkeley, December 2002.
Co-organizer of a special session at the First Joint Meeting of the AMS
and UMI (Unione Matematica Italiana), Pisa, June 2002.
Co-organizer of the conference Commutative Algebra and its
Interaction with Algebraic Geometry, CIRM, Luminy, France, June 2000.
Co-organizer of a special session at the AMS Winter Meeting in
San Francisco, January 1995.
Member of the program committee for the First Joint Meeting of the
AMS and DMV (German Mathematical Association), Heidelberg, October 1993.
Selected Invited Talks:
- KUMUNU 2024, University of Missouri, Columbia, September 2024.
- International Workshop on Commutative Algebra and Related Topics, Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University, Tianjin, China, September 2024.
- Algebra Day @ IIT Madras 2024, IIT Madras, Chennai, India, June 2024.
- NCMW - Recent Trends in Commutative Algebra, a summer school, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India, June 2024 (three lectures).
- International Conference on Local Rings and Singularities, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India, June 2024.
- Introductory Workshop, Commutative Algebra Program, SLMath, January 2024 (three lectures).
- The 44th Japan Symposium on Commutative Algebra, Lectore Hayama, Japan, November 2023.
- 2023/24 Chern Lecture, University of California Berkeley, November 2023 (three colloquium lectures).
- Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar, University of California Berkeley, Fall 2024 (six lectures).
- 34th Brazilian Mathematics Colloquium, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, July 2023.
- Commutative Algebra and its Interaction with Algebraic Geometry and Combinatorics,
Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM), Hanoi, June 2023.
- Commutative Algebra Seminar, Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM), Hanoi, June 2023 (two lectures).
- Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, June 2023.
- MSRI/SLMath CMND Summer School on Commutative Algebra and its Connection
with Algebraic Geometry, University of Notre Dame, May 2023 (three lectures).
- Workshop on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry in Prime Characteristics, International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy, May 2023.
- Arizona State University, March 2023.
- University of Notre Dame, October 2022, May 2018, March 2009, December 1999.
- IIT Bombay Virtual Commutative Algebra Seminar, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, February 2021 (two talks, virtual).
- Commutative Algebra and Related Topics, IPM, Tehran, January 2021 (virtual).
- Free Resolutions and Representation Theory, ICERM, Brown University, August 2020 (virtual).
- New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, December 2019.
- CIMPA Research School: Syzyies, from Theory to Applications,
Federal University of Paraiba, Joao Pessoa, Brazil, November 2019.
- XXII Coloquio Latinoamericano de Álgebra, Mexico City,
August 2019.
- RRAGE: Ragnar's Ramifications in Algebra and Geometry Emerging,
Fields Institute, Toronto, July 2019.
University of Michigan, April 2019, January 1998, 1995, February 1985.
- XXV Escola de Álgebra (the biannual Brazilian algebra
meeting), Unicamp, Campinas, Brazil, December 2018 (plenary and
special session talk).
- New Trends in Syzygies, BIRS, Banff, Canada, June 2018.
- SLAM (Southwest Algebra Meeting) and University of Arkansas,
February 2018 (2 talks).
- International Conference on Commutative Algebra and its
Interaction to Combinatorics, Discrete Geometry and Singularity
Theory, VIASM (Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics),
Hanoi, Vietnam,
September 2017.
- International Meeting in Commutative Algebra and Related Areas,
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 2017 (four lectures).
- First Joint Meeting Brazil-Italy in Mathematics, IMPA, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, August 2016.
- Commutative Algebra and Its Interactions with Algebraic Geometry:
Tight Closure, Linkage, and Syzygies, University of Michigan, July 2016.
- Workshop on Commutative Algebra, VIASM (Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics), Hanoi, Vietnam, June 2016 (2 talks).
- Homological and Computational Methods in Commutative Algebra,
Italy, May 2016.
- University of Illinois, October 2015, April 2007, October 2000,
July 1984.
- Singular Landscapes, a Conference in Honor of Bernard Teissier's Seventieth Birthday, Aussois, France, June 2015.
- University of Illinois at Chicago, April 2015, September 2005.
- Workshop on Commutative Algebra, VIASM (Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics), Hanoi,
Vietnam, August 2014 (two lectures).
- International Conference on Commutative Algebra and Singularity Theory 2014, Toyama, Japan, July 2014.
- University of the Saarland, Saarbrücken, Germany, July 2013.
- Seminar, MSRI, Berkeley, February 2013.
- Workshop on Representation Theory, Homological Algebra, and Free
Resolutions, MSRI, Berkeley, February 2013.
- Commutative Algebra Meeting, Federal University of Paraiba,
Brazil, January 2013 (three lectures).
- Colloquium, MSRI, Berkeley, October 2012.
- Interactions between Commutative Algebra and Representation
Theory, a Conference in Honor of Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz's Sixtieth Birthday,
Syracuse University, April 2012.
- Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Conference, University
of Illinois, November 2011 (joint colloquium and conference
- André Memorial Conference, École Politechnique
Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, May 2011.
- 32nd Symposium and 6th Japan-Vietnam Joint Seminar on Commutative
Algebra, Hayama, Japan, December 2010 (two lectures).
- School and Workshop on Local Rings and Local Study of
Algebraic Varieties, International Centre for Theoretical
Physics, Trieste, Italy, June 2010 (five lectures).
- AMS Meeting in Lexington, Kentucky, March 2010 (invited address).
- Special Session on Homological Aspects of Module Theory, AMS
Meeting in Boca Raton, Florida, October 2009 (40 minute talk).
- PASI Summer School on Commutative Algebra and its
Connections to Geometry, Olinda, Brazil, August 2009
(three lectures).
- University of South Carolina, November 2008.
- Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil, July 2008, August
2004, 2003, July 1998.
- Commutative Algebra: Connections with Algebraic Topology and Representation
Theory, a Conference on the Occasion of Luchezar Avramov's 60th Birthday, University
of Nebraska, May 2008.
- International Conference: Towards Establishing a Cutting-Edge Platform
for Commutative Ring Theory in the 21st Century, Yokohama, Japan, March 2008.
- Hilbert Functions and Syzygies in Commutative Algebra and Combinatorics, a
Conference in Honor of Jürgen Herzog on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday,
Cortona, Italy, September 2007.
- University of California, Berkeley, May 2007, December 2006, March 2006,
November 2002, May 2000, 1999.
- Advances in Algebra and Geometry, MSRI, Berkeley, May 2007.
- Workshop on Integral Closure, Adjoint Ideals and Cores, AIM, Palo Alto,
December 2006.
- Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Meeting (ALGA), IMPA, Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2006, 1997.
- CIMPA School on Commutative Algebra, Hanoi, Vietnam,
December 2005 (five lectures).
- University of Nebraska, October 2005.
- Midwest Algebra, Geometry and their Interactions Conference,
University of Notre Dame, October 2005.
- Commutative Algebra Conference Honoring the Contributions of
Phillip Griffith, University of Illinois, September 2005.
- University of Kansas, March 2005.
- Symposium on Commutative Ring Theory, Kurashiki, Japan,
November 2004.
University of Bochum, Germany, July 2004, June 1995.
University of Toronto, Canada, January 2004.
- Lisbon Conference on Commutative Algebra, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2003.
- First Joint Meeting of the AMS and the RSME (Real Sociedad Matemática Espanola),
Special Session on Commutative Algebra: Geometric, Homological,
Combinatorial and Computational Aspects, Sevilla, Spain, June 2003.
Bluegrass Algebra Conference, University of Kentucky, April 2003.
- MSRI, Berkeley, October 2002.
- Current Trends in Commutative Algebra, Levico, Italy, June 2002.
- Conference on Zero-Dimensional Schemes and Related Topics, Acitrezza, Italy, June 2002.
- First Joint Meeting of the AMS and the SMF (Société
Mathématique de France), Special Session on
Commutative Algebra and its Interactions with Algebraic Geometry,
Lyon, France, July 2001.
First Latin American Congress of Mathematicians, Algebra
Session, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 2000.
Conferences on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry,
Oberwolfach, Germany, August 1999, May 1996, August 1989,
May 1987, 1985, 1983, 1981.
Commutative Algebra and its Related Topics, KIAS
(Korea Institute for Advanced Study), Seoul, Korea, May 1999.
Homological Methods in Commutative Algebra
and Algebraic Geometry: a Conference in Honor of David Buchsbaum,
Genova, Italy, June 1998.
Conference on Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra,
Guanajuato, Mexico, August 1997.
21st Brazilian Colloquium, Algebra Session, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, July 1997.
Conference on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, CIRM, Luminy,
France, May 1997.
Rutgers University, October 1996, April 1991, February 1990.
Summer School on
Commutative Algebra, Centre de Recerca Matematica, Barcelona, Spain, July
Joint Meeting of the AMS and SMM (Sociedad Matemática Mexicana), Special
Session on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Coding Theory, Guanajuato,
Mexico, November 1995.
Workshop in Algebra, Instituto Politecnico
Nacional, Mexico City, November 1995.
Conference on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry,
Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil, August 1995.
University of Essen, Germany, June 1995.
University of Köln, Germany, June 1995.
École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, March 1995.
ICM Satellite Conference on Commutative Algebra, Vechta, Germany, July 1994.
Conference on Algebra, Dynamical Systems, and Topology, Federal
University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil, July 1994.
Workshop on Commutative Algebra and its Relation to
Combinatorics and Computer Algebra, International Centre for Theoretical
Physics, Trieste, Italy, May 1994 (four lectures).
Brandeis University, May 1994, April 1991.
MIT, May 1994.
Conference on Commutative Algebra and its
Interaction with Computer Algebra and Combinatorics, Essen, Germany, June
Conference on Commutative Algebra and its
Interaction with Algebraic Geometry, University of Missouri, May
Conference on Commutative Algebra,
International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, September
1992 (five lectures).
Latin American Meeting on Algebra and Algebraic Geometry,
Guanajuato, Mexico, July 1992 (two lectures).
AMS Summer
Research Conference on Commutative Algebra: Syzygies, Multiplicities and
Birational Algebra, Mount Holyoke, July 1992.
Conference on Free Resolutions in Algebraic Geometry
and Representation Theory, Oberwolfach, Germany, June 1992.
International Seminar on Algebra and its
Applications, Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico City, January 1991.
ICM-90 Satellite Conference
on Commutative Algebra and Combinatorics, Nagoya University, Japan,
August 1990.
Daewoo Conference,
Seoul National University, Korea, August 1990 (two lectures).
Conference on
Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra, and Ring Theory, Bucharest,
Romania, July 1989.
Midwest Algebraic Geometry Conference, University of Michigan,
March 1989.
Commutative Algebra Workshop,
Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil, August 1988
(three lectures).
Microprogram in Commutative Algebra, MSRI, Berkeley, June 1987.
Midwest Commutative Algebra
Conference, Purdue University, March 1986.
US-Japan Seminar on Commutative Algebra
and Combinatorics, Kyoto, Japan, August 1985.
Nagoya University, Japan, August 1985.