Alaa Haj Ali
Golomb Visiting Assistant Professor

150 N. University St.
Mathematics Department
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1395
Office: MATH 844

Welcome to my home page!

I am a Golomb Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Purdue University since August 2019.
My mentors are professor Donatella Danielli and professor Arshak Petrosyan.

I received my Ph.D in Mathematics from Wayne State University in May 2019 under the supervision of my Ph.D advisor professor Peiyong Wang.

My research interests are in the areas of Non-linear elliptic and parabolic PDEs, Calculus of Variations and Free Boundary Problems.

Here is my CV


Haj Ali, A. and Wang, P., The one-phase bifurcation for the p-Laplacian, Journal of Differential Equations, Vol 266, Issue 4, 5 February 2019, page 1899 - 1921. arXiv Link
Haj Ali, A., Li, D. and Wang, P., Symmetry and approximate symmetry of a nonlinear elliptic problem over a ring, Calculus of Variations Vol 59, Issue 2, March 2019. arXiv Link

Haj Ali, A. and Wang, P., Symmetry and approximate symmetry for a nonlinear elliptic problem associated with the p-Laplace operator, preprint.


Teaching at Purdue University:
MA 265, Linear Algebra, sections 184 and 185, Spring 2020
MA 266, Ordinary Differential Equations, sections 78 and 79, Fall 2019

Teaching at Wayne State University:
MAT 2010, Calculus 1, Winter 2018
STA 1020, Elementary Statistics, Fall 2017
MAT 1800, Elementary Functions (Pre-calculus), Winter 2017
MAT 1800, Elementary Functions (Pre-calculus), Winter 2016