Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Purdue University
Office: MATH 618
Email: lastname dt ATSIGN


I am a number theorist interested in Galois representations and the Langlands program and related areas in representation theory and geometry. I was previously a postdoc at the University of Toronto and the IAS and a Ph.D. student at the University of Chicago.

My CV is available pdf.

Submitted articles

4. The weight part of Serre's conjecture over CM fields

with Bao V. Le Hung
Submitted. 2024. 27 pages.
[Abstract ±]

3. Irreducible smooth representations in defining characteristic without central character

Submitted. 2024. 5 pages.
[Abstract ±]

2. Generic decompositions of Deligne--Lusztig representations

with Bao V. Le Hung, Brandon Levin, and Stefano Morra
Submitted. 2024. 17 pages.
[Abstract ±]

1. K1-invariants in the mod p cohomology of U(3) arithmetic manifolds

with Bao V. Le Hung and Stefano Morra
Submitted. 2024. 85 pages.
[Abstract ±]


1. Weight cycling and supersingular representations

Preprint. 2017. 7 pages.
[Abstract ±]

Journal articles

17. Colength one deformation rings

with Bao V. Le Hung, Stefano Morra, Chol Park, and Zicheng Qian
To appear in Transactions of the AMS. 34 pages.
[Abstract ±]

16. Extremal weights and a tameness criterion for mod p Galois representations

with Bao V. Le Hung, Brandon Levin, and Stefano Morra
To appear in JEMS. 65 pages.
[Abstract ±]

15. Serre weights for three-dimensional wildly ramified Galois representations

with Bao V. Le Hung, Brandon Levin, and Stefano Morra
To appear in Algebra & Number Theory. 51 pages.
[Abstract ±]

14. Moduli of Fontaine--Laffaille representations and a mod-p local-global compatibility result

with Bao V. Le Hung, Stefano Morra, Chol Park, and Zicheng Qian
To appear in Memoirs of the AMS. 169 pages.
[Abstract ±]

13. Non-admissible irreducible representations of p-adic GL_n in characteristic p

with Eknath Ghate and Mihir Sheth
Represent. Theory 27 (2023) 1088-1101.
[Abstract ±]

12. Local models for Galois deformation rings and applications

with Bao V. Le Hung, Brandon Levin, and Stefano Morra
Inventiones Mathematicae 231 (2023), no. 3, 1277-1488.
[Abstract ±]

11. Multiplicity one at full congruence level

with Stefano Morra and Benjamin Schraen
J. Institut Math. Jussieu 21 (2022), no. 2, 637-658.
[Abstract ±]

10. Diagrams in the mod p cohomology of Shimura curves

with Andrea Dotto
Compositio Mathematica 157 (2021), no. 8, 1653-1723.
[Abstract ±]

9. Serre weights and Breuil's lattice conjecture in dimension three

with Bao V. Le Hung, Brandon Levin, and Stefano Morra
Forum of Math, Pi 8 (2020), e5, 135 pages.
[Abstract ±]

8. On some nonadmissible smooth irreducible representations for GL(2)

Math. Research Letters 26 (2019), no. 6, 1747-1758.
[Abstract ±]

7. Multiplicity one for wildly ramified representations

Algebra & Number Theory 13 (2019), no. 8, 1807-1827.
[Abstract ±]

6. Weight elimination in Serre-type conjectures

with Bao V. Le Hung and Brandon Levin
Duke Math. Journal 168 (2019), no. 13, 2433-2506.
[Abstract ±]

5. On mod p local-global compatibility for GL3 in the non-ordinary case

with Stefano Morra and Chol Park
Proceedings of the LMS 117 (2018), no. 4, 790-848.
[Abstract ±]

4. Potentially crystalline deformation rings and Serre weight conjectures

with Bao V. Le Hung, Brandon Levin, and Stefano Morra
Inventiones Mathematicae 212 (2018), no. 1, 1-107.
[Abstract ±]

3. Lattices in the cohomology of U(3) arithmetic manifolds

Mathematische Annalen 372 (2018), no. 1-2, 55-89.
[Abstract ±]

2. On mod p local-global compatibility for GL3 in the ordinary case

with Florian Herzig and Stefano Morra
Compositio Mathematica 153 (2017), no. 11, 2215-2286.
[Abstract ±]

1. On p-adic properties of twisted traces of singular moduli

with Shelly Manber and Shrenik Shah
International Journal of Number Theory 06 (2010), no. 3, 625-653.
[Abstract ±]

Conference proceedings

2. Serre weights, Galois deformation rings, and local models

with Bao V. Le Hung
To appear in Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Arithmetic Geometry, TIFR. 24 pages.
[Abstract ±]

1. Reductive groups I: irreducible representations of reductive groups

Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach Report No. 18, 2022, 938-940.


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MA 26500 Fall 2022 Linear Algebra and its Applications

MA 26500 Spring 2024 Linear Algebra and its Applications

MA 26500 Spring 2025 Linear Algebra and its Applications