Joseph Lipman
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Purdue Mathematics Department Home Page
Collected Papers
Reviews by...
Cohomology with supports; idempotent pairs.
Grothendieck Duality theories--abstract and concrete.
v1.2 (updated 03/24/2025).
About the fundamental class of a flat scheme-map.
(ISI Bangalore, Dec. 12, 2015--expanded and updated.)
Residues, Duality, Fundamental Class.
(Midwest Algebra & Geometry conference, Purdue, May. 22, 2011.)
Residues, Duality, Fundamental Class.
(Algecom 4, Purdue, Mar. 26, 2011. Quite different than preceding talk.)
A bivariant theory of Hochschild homology.
(Libgober conference, Chicago, Oct. 17, 2009.)
Grothendieck operations and coherence in categories.
(UAM, Madrid, Spain, Feb. 27, 2009.)
Introduction to Grothendieck Duality.
(YMIS 09, Sedano, Spain, Feb. 16-20, 2009.)
Derived Hochschild cohomology and Grothendieck Duality.
(Avramov conference, Lincoln, Nebraska, May 20, 2008.)
Rational points on conics, and local-global relations in Number Theory
(Graduate Student Seminar, Nov. 26, 2007.)
Basic results on Grothendieck Duality.
(Barcelona workshop, Nov. 5, 2007.)
Dualizing complexes and Cousin complexes on formal schemes.
(Segovia conference, Aug. 16, 2006.)
Büchi's problem about squares.
(Magic 05 conference, Notre Dame, Oct. 8, 2006; revised Aug. 2021.)
Residue theorem for formal schemes.
(Videotaped lecture at MSRI, Dec. 3, 2002. Needs Real Player.)
Divisors on Zariski-Riemann spaces.
(Outsized initial version of Appendix to Chapter 2 of O. Zariski's "Algebraic Surfaces," Springer, 1971, reprinted 1995.)
POST-1990 PAPERS (pdf)
See also
Older papers
. For more information see
, and
On the fundamental class of an essentially smooth scheme-map.
(With A. Neeman.)
Adjoint associativity: an invitation to algebra in
Relation between two twisted inverse image pseudofunctors in duality theory.
(With S.B. Iyengar and A. Neeman.)
Bivariance, Grothendieck duality and Hochschild homology II: the fundamental class of a flat scheme-map.
(With L. Alonso Tarrío and A. Jeremías López.)
Bivariance, Grothendieck duality and Hochschild homology I: construction of a bivariant theory.
(With L. Alonso Tarrío and A. Jeremías López.)
Reflexivity and rigidity for complexes, II: Schemes.
(With L.L. Avramov and S.B. Iyengar.)
Reflexivity and rigidity for complexes, I: Commutative rings.
(With L.L. Avramov and S.B. Iyengar.)
Reduction of derived Hochschild functors over commutative algebras and schemes.
(With L.L. Avramov, S.B. Iyengar and S. Nayak.)
Notes on Derived Functors and Grothendieck Duality.
In Springer Lecture Notes, no. 1960 (2009), 1--259.
A vanishing theorem for finitely supported ideals in regular local rings.
Quasi-perfect scheme-maps and boundedness of the twisted inverse image functor.
(With A. Neeman.)
A numerical condition for simultaneous normalization.
(With H.-J. Chiang-Hsieh.)
Pseudofunctorial behavior of Cousin complexes on formal schemes.
(With S. Nayak and P. Sastry.)
Integrally closed ideals in two-dimensional regular local rings are multiplier ideals.
(With K. Watanabe.)
Lectures on local cohomology and duality.
Equisingularity and simultaneous resolution of singularities.
Duality and flat base change on formal schemes.
(With L. Alonso Tarrío and A. Jeremías López.)
Greenlees-May duality on formal schemes.
(With L. Alonso Tarrío and A. Jeremías López.)
Non-noetherian Grothendieck duality.
Differential invariants of embeddings of manifolds in complex spaces.
(With W. Huang.)
Local homology and cohomology on schemes.
(1997) See also:
(With L. Alonso Tarrío and A. Jeremías López.)
The multiple-point schemes of a finite curvilinear map of codimension one.
(With S.L. Kleiman and B. Ulrich.)
Cohen-Macaulayness in graded algebras.
Adjoints of ideals in regular local rings.
Proximity inequalitites for complete ideals in two-dimensional regular local rings.
Adjoints and polars of simple complete ideals in two-dimensional regular local rings.
The source double-point cycle of a finite map of codimension one.
(With S.L. Kleiman and B. Ulrich.)
Regular differentials and equidimensional scheme-maps.
(1992) See also
(With P. Sastry.)
Group-theoretic axioms for projective geometry.
(With A. Gottlieb.)
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