Math 557 Fall 2024 (Commutative Algebra): Syllabus Summary
Instructor: Takumi Murayama

This is a summary of the course syllabus and does not contain every component of the official course syllabus on Brightspace. Please look at Brightspace for a complete syllabus.

Course Information

Instructor Contact Information

Course Description

Credit Hours: 3.00. This course is an introduction to commutative algebra. Commutative algebra is the study of commutative rings and modules and has interactions with various fields of mathematics, including algebraic geometry, number theory, and several complex variables. Planned topics include the following:

Textbook: Course notes will be provided. The notes will largely draw from Melvin Hochster’s 2017 Math 614 lecture notes on commutative algebra, available here:

Optional Textbooks: All texts listed below have free access options for Purdue students.

Learning Outcomes: We will cover the majority of Hochster’s 2017 Math 614 lecture notes. Topics to be covered are listed in the course description.

Note: Commutative algebra is best learned by solving as many exercises as possible. I expect homework solutions to be thorough and either typed or handwritten neatly. In addition, please read the Homework Guidelines on Brightspace.

Important Dates

Please see the Purdue University Fall 2024 Add/Drop Calendar for important administrative dates.

Learning Resources

Lecture notes will be provided on BrightSpace.

Copyright Policy

Effective learning environments provide opportunities for students to reflect, explore new ideas, post opinions openly, and have the freedom to change those opinions over time. Stu- dents and instructors are the authors of the works they create in the learning environment. As authors, they own the copyright in their works subject only to the university’s right to use those works for educational purposes. Students may not copy, reproduce, or post to any other outlet (e.g., YouTube, Facebook, or other open media sources or websites) any work in which they are not the sole or joint author or have not obtained the permission of the author(s).

Course Policies

Please make sure to keep up with the conventions and definitions from the lecture notes. While the core material comes from the textbook and I will try to incorporate the conventions in the textbook, there will inevitably be differences stemming from the instructor’s mathematical perspective. My suggestion would be to consider the lecture notes as the main text and the textbook as a very good supplementary reference that can provide additional examples and explanations.

The homework will be graded according to the conventions, notations, and definitions from the lecture notes.

Homework Information and Policies

Exam Information and Policies

There will be one timed take-home midterm exam and one 30–40 minutes oral final exam. More details on the exams will be provided closer to the exam dates.

Exam Dates


Your total score will be determined as follows:

Students who get at least 97% of the total points in this course are guaranteed an A+, 93% guarantees an A, 90% an A-, 87% a B+, 83% a B, 80% a B-, 77% a C+, 73% a C, 70% a C-, 67% a D+, 63% a D, and 60% a D-; for each of these grades, it’s possible that at the end of the semester a somewhat lower percentage will be enough to get that grade.


Purdue University strives to make learning experiences accessible to all participants. If you anticipate or experience physical or academic barriers based on disability, you are encouraged to contact the Disability Resource Center at: or by phone: 765-494-1247, as soon as possible.

If the Disability Resource Center (DRC) has determined reasonable accommodations that you would like to utilize in this class, you must send your Course Accommodation Letter to the instructor. Instructions on sharing your Course Accommodation Letter can be found by visiting: Additionally, you are strongly encouraged to contact the instructor as soon as possible to discuss implementation of your accommodations.

Attendance Policy

Attendance is not required. However, it is the student’s responsibility to keep up with the course in the event that the student misses any lectures. I will not re-lecture any material.

Illness Policy

Students should not come to class if they feel very ill.

Lecture Schedule and Homework Due Dates for Math 557:





Homework Due Dates
(at 11:59PM)
1 8/19 Introduction, Ideals, Universal Properties
8/21 Hochster Lectures 9/6, 9/8, 9/11
Ideals (radical, prime, maximal), Spec(R)
8/23 Hochster Lectures 9/6, 9/8, 9/11
Zorn’s Lemma, More on Spec(R)
2 8/26 Hochster Lectures 9/15, 9/18
Category Theory, Modules
8/28 Hochster Lectures 9/18, 9/20
Modules, Algebras, Localization Part 1
Homework 1
8/30 Hochster Lectures 9/20
Localization Part 2, Restriction of Scalars, Local Properties, Reduced rings
3 9/2 No Class (Labor Day)
9/4 Hochster Lectures 9/22, 9/25
Reduced Rings, etc. More on Spec(R)
Homework 2
9/6 Hochster Lecture 9/25
Dimension, Integral Extensions Part 1
4 9/9 Hochster Lectures 9/25, 9/27
Integral Extensions Part 2: Lying Over (Incomparability)
9/11 Hochster Lecture 9/29
Integral Extensions Part 3: Lying Over, Going up, Chinese Remainder Theorem, Fibers, Primes of k-algebras
Homework 3
9/13 Hochster Lecture 10/2
Integral Extensions Part 4: Height, Normal Domains, Going Down Part 1
5 9/16 Hochster Lecture 10/4
Integral Extensions Part 5: Going Down Part 2
9/18 Hochster Lecture 10/6
Algebraic Sets, k-algebras, Algebraic Independence, Noether Normalization, Hilbert Nullstellensatz
Homework 4
9/20 Hochster Lectures 10/6, 10/9
Noether Normalization, Hilbert Nullstellensatz
6 9/23 Hochster Lectures 10/9
Dimension Part 1: UFDs, transcendence degree/basis, k-algebras. DVRs
9/25 Hochster Lectures 10/11, 10/13
Dimension Part 2: Chain Conditions, Noetherian Rings/Modules Part 1
Homework 5
9/27 Hochster Lectures 10/13, 10/18 Noetherian Rings/Modules Part 2: Hilbert Basis Theorem, Noetherian Induction, Hilbert Nullstellensatz Part 2 Last Lecture on Midterm Exam Material
7 9/30 Hochster Lecture 10/20
Noetherian Topological Spaces, Affine Algebraic Geometry Part 1: Algebraic Sets Regular maps, etc.
10/2 Hochster Lecture 10/23
Affine Algebraic Geometry Part 2: Anti-equivalence of algebraic sets and reduced f.g. k-algebras
Homework 6
10/4 No Class - Class Release for Midterm Exam Midterm Exam Opens
8 10/7 No Class (Fall Break)
10/9 Hochster Lectures 10/23, 10/25
Semigroup Rings, Power Series Rings
10/11 Hochster Lectures 10/25, 10/27
Tensor Products Part 1: Basic Properties, Flatness
Midterm Exam Closes
9 10/14 Hochster Lectures 10/30, 11/1
Tensor Products Part 2: Tensor products with multiple factors, Extension of Scalars (Base Change), Localization, Flatness
10/16 Hochster Lectures 10/30, 11/1
Tensor Products Part 3: Presentations, Properties of Hom, Tensor-Hom Adjunction, etc.
10/18 Hochster Lectures 11/6, 11/3
Tensor Products Part 4: Hom Commutes with Flat Base Change, Tensor Products of Algebras, Ideal Criterion for Flatness
10 10/21 Hochster Lectures 11/3, 11/6
Projective Modules, Local Properties Part 1, Support
10/23 Hochster Lectures 11/8, 11/10
Local Properties Part 2, Nakayama’s Lemma
10/25 Hochster Lectures 11/10, 11/13
Primary Decomposition Part 1: Primary Ideals, Colon Ideals, Existence of Irredundant Primary Decompositions in Noetherian Rings
Homework 7
11 10/28 Hochster Lectures 11/13, 11/15
Primary Decomposition Part 2: Uniqueness Statements, Associated Primes, Length, Prime Cyclic Filtrations
10/30 Hochster Lectures 11/15, 11/17
Primary Decomposition Part 3: Behavior Under Localization and Quotients, Associated Primes
Homework 8
11/1 Hochster Lectures 11/17, 11/20
Primary Decomposition Part 4: Applications, Primary Decomposition in the General Case
12 11/4 Hochster Lectures 11/20, 11/22, 11/27
Primary Decomposition Part 5: Finite Length, Structure Theorem for Artinian Rings, Krull’s Principal Ideal Theorem
11/6 Hochster Lecture 11/27
Primary Decomposition Part 6: Krull’s Height Theorem, Systems of Parameters, Dimension of R[[x]]
Homework 9
11/8 Hochster Lecture 12/4, 2016 Lecture 1/29
Dimension Part 3: Krull Dimension of Noetherian Modules,
Cohen–Macaulayness Part 1: Regular sequences, Depth
13 11/11 Hochster 2016 Supplement
Cohen–Macaulayness Part 2: Cohen–Macaulay rings and modules, Depth = Length of maximal regular sequence
11/13 Hochster 2016 Supplement, Lecture 12/4
Cohen–Macaulayness Part 3: Depth in short exact sequences,
Normal rings Part 1: Normal Noetherian Rings Part 1: Dedekind Domains, DVRs
Homework 10
11/15 Hochster Lectures 12/4, 12/6
Normal Noetherian Rings Part 2: Krull and Serre’s Criteria for Normality, Divisor Class Group,
14 11/18 Hochster Lecture 12/4
Normal Noetherian Rings Part 3: Divisor Class Group
11/20 Hochster Lectures 12/8, 12/11
Normal Noetherian Rings Part 4: Algebraic Hartogs's lemma, Normality under Ring Extensions, Noetherianity of integral closures
Homework 11
11/22 Hochster Lecture 12/11
Normal Noetherian Rings Part 4: Noetherianity of integral closures,
Completion Part 1: Direct Limits, Inverse Limits
15 11/25 Hochster Lecture 12/11
Completion Part 2: I-adic Topology, Cauchy Sequences, I-adic Completions, Artin-Rees Lemma, Properties of Completions
Last Lecture of Final Exam Material
11/27 No Class Thanksgiving Break Homework 12 (automatic extension to 12/1)
11/29 No Class Thanksgiving Break
16 12/2 Hochster Lecture 12/11
Completion Part 3: I-adic Topology, Cauchy Sequences, I-adic Completions, Artin-Rees Lemma, Properties of Completions
12/4 Final Exam Review
12/6 Final Exam Review
17 12/9 Final Oral Exam
12/11 Final Oral Exam