Math 303: Differential Equations and Partial Differential Equations for Engineering and the Sciences

Course Information

Place and time: REC 123, TR 9-10:15 (section 753) and TR 10:30-11:45 (section 754).

Instructor: Paul VanKoughnett

Email: pvankoug AT purdue DOT edu

Office Hours: Tuesday 1-2, Wednesday 10-12, or by appointment, in MATH 842. (You're also welcome to drop by if my door is open. I'll typically be here Tuesday-Thursday and out of town Mondays and Fridays.)

Course contents: This is a second-semester course in differential equations, covering linear and nonlinear systems of ordinary differential equations, Fourier series, separation of variables for partial differential equations, and Sturm-Liouville theory. The course content was changed pretty recently. Despite what it says on the main website, we aren't covering Laplace transforms, Bessel functions, or power series solutions.

Textbook: Edwards, Penney, and Calvis, Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems: Computing and Modeling, 5th edition, with a MyLabMath access code. (You need a MyLabMath access code to access the online homework.) See the Quick Student Guide for getting into MyLabMath.

The central course website.


Final exam solutions

Here they are.

Midterm 1 review materials

Midterm 2 review materials

Final review materials