Ralph Martin Kaufmann
Purdue University
Department of Mathematics
150 N. University Street; West Lafayette, IN
Phone: (765) 494-1205; Fax: (765) 494-0548
Selected Talks
(the latest version is usually provided)
Feynman Categories (latest version MATRTIX 16), including Hopf algebras and decorated Feynman Categories)
Condensed Matter, C* geometry and Topological Invariants (Fields 15)
Algebraic operations in geometry, topology and Physics (Penn State 15)
Singularities, swallowtais and topological properties in families of Hamiltonians (Knoville 14)
The geometry and algebra of master equations, BV equations and Feynman tranforms. (Pittsburg 14)
First version of slides containing Feynman Categories (Bloomington 12)
CFT from the arc point of view and structural relations to planar algebras (NCGOA 12)
Stringy orbifold K-theory.
On CY/LG correspondence for (0,2) models
Stringy Singularities
Operads, Stings and Deligne's conjecture
Selected Correspondence
e-mail to Paolo Salvatore explaining McClure-Smith Sequences as monotone parameterizations Mar 21, 2008