I co-organize the PANTHA seminar at Purdue. In the past, I organized the graduate seminar of the NSF FRG on averages of \(L\)-functions and arithmetic stratification. Please see the seminar webpages for more information.
(\(\dagger\) - for those unfamiliar with this idiosyncratic nomenclature in American math departments, this is a postdoctoral position)
[18-Mar-2023]: attended and gave a talk at the Special Session on Discrete Analysis at the AMS Spring 2023 Southeastern Sectional Meeting held at GeorgiaTech.
[14-Feb-2023]: gave a talk at the Number Theory Seminar at the University of Mississippi.
[02-Feb-2023]: gave a talk at the Number Theory Seminar at UC Irvine.
[01-Dec-2022]: gave a talk (slides, video) on the value distribution of the Hurwitz zeta function \(\zeta(s,\alpha)\) with irrational shifts \(\alpha\) at the Weekly Seminar of the PIMS CRG on \(L\)-functions in Analytic Number Theory.