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Multivariate Calculus
MA 261
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Multivariate calculus tools are ubiquitous in modeling for engineering, biology and finance. This course proposes an in-depth introduction to the basic mechanisms in functions of several variables and vector-valued functions. We begin with a review of the basic elements of vector calculus. Next we will introduce the notion of curves on a surface. Then we shall focus on functions of several variables: optimization and integration. Eventually we go back to vector calculus, culminating in Green's and Stokes' thorems.
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  1. Briggs, Cochran, Gillett, Schulz: Calculus: Early Transcendentals. Pearson, 2019.
    Note that the MyLab Math access for online homework includes an electronic copy of the textbook.
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Important links
Please consult the course webpage.
Here is a link to the course calendar.
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The homework will be taken from the MyLab Math. Homeworks are usually due on Tuesday and Thursday.
The assignment is given in the attached calendar.

Rules for the homework:
  1. Please resolve any error in the grading (hws and tests) WINTHIN ONE WEEK after the return of each homework and exam.
  2. No late homeworks are accepted.
  3. You are encouraged to discuss the homework problems with your classmates but all your handed-in homeworks must be your own work.
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Our Midterm 1 will be on Oct 4 at 8pm, Elliott Hall 116 and Stewart 183.
Program: Lessons 1-16 (see calendar).
This link sends you to the Spring 22 Midterm 1
These are some written solutions: Spring 22 Midterm 1 Solutions
This is a link to a Spring 19 Midterm 1
The solutions can be found here: Spring 19 Midterm 1 Solutions
This link sends you a Study guide for Midterm 1

Our Midterm 2 will be on Nov 8 at 8pm, Elliott Hall 116 and Stewart 183.
Program: Lessons 17-27 (see calendar).
This is a link to a Spring 22 Midterm 2
The solutions can be found here: Spring 22 Midterm 2 Solutions
This is a link to a Spring 19 Midterm 2
The solutions can be found here: Spring 19 Midterm 2 Solutions
This link sends you a Study guide for Midterm 2
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Final exam
Our Final will be on Final week.
Program: comprehensive.
Here is the Fall 17 Final and some Solutions
This link sends you to the Spring 19 Final together with some Solutions
This is a link to a Study Guide for the Final
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Office hours
11:30am-1pm on Friday, on Zoom.
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Slides (Feedback on typos appreciated)
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Documents with computations (notes from lectures)
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