Fall Semester 2023
MA 35100 Elementary Linear Algebra (Section 021)
- CRN: 23344
- Meeting Times: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12:30pm EST/EDT (WL Campus time)
- Meeting Location: UNIV 117
- Brightspace
will be used for this course. The Brightspace page is now active! You will be expected to check it regularly for course resources and announcements, including details of the assignment problems and information about the examinations.
- Syllabus
(pdf file) This contains comprehsive information about how the course will be organized (below is only a summary); class participants are expected to read this in its entirety and follow all instructions therein.
- Textbook: R. C. Penney, Linear Algebra: Ideas and Applications, 4th Edition. (Please note: This is not the most recent edition of the textbook.) Access to the textbook is required for weekly assignments. An online version of the book is currently available for free through the Purdue Library at ProQuest
(follow this link; click “Log in through your library" at the top; search for Purdue University; select "PURDUE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES" from the list; log in with Purdue Career Account and BoilerKey).
Please note: access through ProQuest is controlled by the publisher, not the instructor or Purdue Libraries, so unfortunately access cannot be guaranteed throughout the semester. You are advised to download the e-book to your own device (this copy is meant to remain available to you for a year) as soon as possible, in case online access is removed during the semester (NB this has happened before!). You can also obtain a copy of the book from the University Bookstore, and there are copies on reserve at the Department of Mathematics Library. Second-hand copies may be available from some other retailers or previous students.
- Course Credit: 3 credit hours
- Prerequisites: Any of Undergraduate level MA 17200, MA 17400, MA 18200, MA 26100, MATH 26100, MA 26300, MA 27100 with a Minimum Grade of C-. Not open to students with credit in MA 26500.
- Contact: Via email to memthomas at purdue.edu. Please use your official Purdue email. Messages MUST include MA35100 and either section number or class time in the subject line.
- Official Course Website
on the Department of Mathematics website.
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