Use MPI on dirac nodes

STEP 0: log on to dirac

Each of four dirac nodes (dirac-1, dirac-2, dirac-3, dirac-4) has two Intel Xeon E5-2660V3 CPUs (10C/20T 2.6Ghz 9.6GT/s 25mb 105w) and 192 GB memory.

How to connect to dirac from a math linux computer

If you have a linux desktop in math department, to log on to one of the dirac nodes, simply use ssh (assume your math account ID is dave72 and your linux desktop ID is euler):

euler ~ % ssh dirac-1
dave72@dirac-1's password:

How to connect to dirac remotely

Suppose we want to connect to dirac from an off-campus computer. From a linux/apple computer, open the terminal and connect to banach first (assume you have a macbook and your username is dave):

MacBook-Pro:~ dave% ssh's password:

then connect to dirac (you cannot ssh to directly from an off-campus computer):

banach ~ % ssh dirac-1
dave72@dirac-1's password:

If you have a Windows computer, you need to install a SSH client such as PuTTY

Step 1: set up the path for compilers

There is an .cshrc file in your home directory, open it by any editor such as gedit or vi:

dirac-1 ~ % gedit .cshrc

find the line starts with  "case linux: # RHEL machines" and it should look like the following:

    case linux: # RHEL machines
        set path_my_apps = ( \
        /pkgs/matlab/bin \
            /pkgs/intel/bin  \

Add one more line "/usr/local/openmpi-1.10.4/bin \" to this part:

    case linux: # RHEL machines
        set path_my_apps = ( \
        /pkgs/matlab/bin \
            /pkgs/intel/bin  \
            /usr/local/openmpi-1.10.4/bin \

Next, find the line "#umask    077    # No access to anyone -- the most circumspect choice." and the line "if ($?prompt == 0) exit". Then add some path specification exactly between these two lines, like the followng:

# Set the permissions with which new files and directories will be created.
# See the man pages for umask, ls, chmod, groups, chgrp for details.
umask 022 # Group and others may read and dir search (but not write).
#umask 027 # Group may read and directory search, but not others.
#umask 077 # No access to anyone -- the most circumspect choice.

# for Intel MKL
source /pkgs/intel/composer_xe_2013.5.192/mkl/bin/mklvars.csh intel64 mod

# for OpenMPI
source /pkgs/intel/bin/compilervars.csh intel64
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/openmpi-1.10.4/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
setenv PATH /usr/local/openmpi-1.10.4/bin:$PATH

if ($?prompt == 0) exit

Save the file and close gedit. The next time you connect to dirac, the file .cshrc will be automatically loaded. But to make sure the .cshrc file is loaded after your modification without logging out and in, do the following:

dirac-1 ~ % source .cshrc

Step 2: test the MPI on a single node

Now you are ready to use MPI on a single dirac node. To verify if openmpi is properly set up, use the following commands:

dirac-1 ~ % which mpif90
dirac-1 ~ % which mpirun

Use the following to test "mpirun" using 4 threads on dirac-1:

dirac-1 ~ % mpirun -np 4 hostname

Download the simple Fortran MPI hello test program here. Exact the files and use "make" to compile the Fortran test file, then run the executable "hello" with 7 threads:

dirac-1 ~ % tar -zxvf MPI-test.tar.gz 
dirac-1 ~ % cd MPI-test
dirac-1 ~/MPI-test % make
mpif90 -o hello -r8 -O2 test.f90
dirac-1 ~/MPI-test % mpirun -np 7 hello
Hello from thread ID 6
Hello from thread ID 0
Hello from thread ID 2
Hello from thread ID 3
Hello from thread ID 4
Hello from thread ID 5
Hello from thread ID 1

If you get warning messages like "Conflicting CPU frequencies", simply ignore it.

Step 3: MPI on multiple nodes

To use more than one dirac node, we need automatic login from dirac-i to dirac-j without entering password.

SSH login without password

You want to use Linux and OpenSSH to automate your tasks. Therefore you need an automatic login from host A to Host B. You don't want to enter any passwords, because you want to call ssh from a within a shell script.

How to do it

First log in on dirac-1 and generate a pair of authentication keys. Do not enter a passphrase:

dirac-1 ~ % ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/a/.ssh/id_rsa):
Created directory '/home/a/.ssh'.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/a/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/a/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
3e:4f:05:79:3a:9f:96:7c:3b:ad:e9:58:37:bc:37:e4 a@A

Now use ssh to create a directory ~/.ssh as dirac-2. (The directory may already exist, which is fine):

dirac-1 ~ % ssh dirac-2 mkdir -p .ssh
dirac-2's password:

Finally append a's new public key to dirac-2:.ssh/authorized_keys and enter your password one last time:

dirac-1~%cat .ssh/ | ssh b@B 'cat >>.ssh/authorized_keys'
dirac-2's password:

From now on you can log into dirac-2 from dirac-1 without password:

dirac-1 ~ % ssh dirac-2

1. You can edit your .ssh/authorized_keys file. Each key you have authorized is on a single line (usually a very long line, so it wraps around several times in the editor). The start of the line will look something like "ssh-rsa AAAA....." At the very beginning of such a line, you can add, for example, from="dirac-?" and a space, so the resulting line looks like

 from="dirac-?" ssh-rsa AAAA.....

With that change, the key can still be used to log into any Math server, with no passphrase, but only from one of the dirac-i machines (the ? is a single-character wildcard). Naturally you can change the pattern, or have more than one pattern, if it is convenient for you to log in from a few other machines that you choose. The object is to at least make the key less useful to people trying to log in from other random places. So another is example is to use

from=",,dirac-?" ssh-rsa AAAA.....

2. You can still put a passphrase on your ssh key. This sounds like it defeats your purpose, but there is a program, ssh-agent, that can make your automatic login work anyway. To do that, first (one time only) - you can add a passphrase to the key you
already generated. If it is in the file ~/.ssh/id_rsa, then

dirac-1 ~ %  ssh-keygen -p ~/.ssh/id_rsa

will let you add a passphrase to it.  Then, after logging in, before running MPI commands:

dirac-1 ~ % eval `ssh-agent`
dirac-1 ~ % ssh-add

The ssh-add command will ask for your passphrase for the key, which will be remembered for the rest of your session, so the MPI commands will just work. When you log out of the original session, the agent goes away and your key is safe.

Either one of those techniques, or both together, will make your account a lot safer than just having an unprotected, unrestricted ssh key set up.

Step 4: test the MPI on multiple nodes

Now you are ready to use at most 80 threads on four dirac nodes. Remember that you should use at most 20 threads on each node. Please be courteous to other users since there is no scheduler on dirac. For instance, in general it is not a good idea to use all 80 threads on four nodes for quite a while on a weekday when other people may also use dirac. You can use the commands "top" and "who" to see who is doing what on dirac.

The following are examples, in which N threads are automatically evenly distributed on L (L<=4) nodes requested.

dirac-1 ~ % mpirun -oversubscribe -np 4 -host dirac-1,dirac-3 -mca oob_tcp_if_include ib0 -mca btl self,sm,openib hostname

dirac-1 ~/MPI-test % mpirun -oversubscribe -np 40 -host dirac-1,dirac-2,dirac-3,dirac-4 -mca oob_tcp_if_include ib0 -mca btl self,sm,openib hello
Hello from thread ID 9
Hello from thread ID 5
Hello from thread ID 4
Hello from thread ID 0
Hello from thread ID 1
Hello from thread ID 2
Hello from thread ID 3
Hello from thread ID 6
Hello from thread ID 7
Hello from thread ID 8
Hello from thread ID 19
Hello from thread ID 12
Hello from thread ID 29
Hello from thread ID 14
Hello from thread ID 20
Hello from thread ID 10
Hello from thread ID 24
Hello from thread ID 13
Hello from thread ID 21
Hello from thread ID 23
Hello from thread ID 11
Hello from thread ID 15
Hello from thread ID 16
Hello from thread ID 22
Hello from thread ID 17
Hello from thread ID 25
Hello from thread ID 18
Hello from thread ID 26
Hello from thread ID 30
Hello from thread ID 27
Hello from thread ID 31
Hello from thread ID 28
Hello from thread ID 33
Hello from thread ID 34
Hello from thread ID 35
Hello from thread ID 36
Hello from thread ID 37
Hello from thread ID 38
Hello from thread ID 32
Hello from thread ID 39

Step 5: test the MPI on multiple nodes (for C compiler)

To this end, we have verified MPI on multiple nodes via Fortran. In this step, we will see how to run a C code with MPI. Download the simple C MPI hello test program here. Exact the files and use "make" to compile the C test file, then run the executable "hello" with 40 threads.

dirac-1 ~ % tar -zxvf MPI-test_C.tar.gz 
dirac-1 ~ % cd MPI-test_C
dirac-1 ~/MPI-test_C % make
mpicc -o hello test.c
dirac-1 ~/MPI-test_C % mpirun -oversubscribe -n 40 -host dirac-1,dirac-2 ./hello
Hello from processor, rank 5 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 1 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 11 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 19 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 7 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 3 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 13 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 9 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 17 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 18 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 15 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 10 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 0 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 6 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 12 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 8 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 4 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 2 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 16 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 26 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 27 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 28 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 30 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 24 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 20 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 34 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 36 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 22 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 32 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 38 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 29 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 23 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 35 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 37 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 39 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 21 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 33 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 31 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 25 out of 40 processors
Hello from processor, rank 14 out of 40 processors

Author: Xiangxiong Zhang, and special thanks to J Chapman Flack.