Submitted papers
pdf (with M. Sodin) Iossif Ostrovskii's
work on entire functions
pdf Topics in Geometric theory of meromorphic
pdf Metrics of constant positive curvature
with conic singularities. A survey.
Preprints and talks
pdf Metrics
of constant positive curvature with conic singularities
on compact surfaces, Geometry seminar, Penn State, 3.13.24.
Metrics of positive curvature with conic singularities on compact surfaces,
Warsaw, June 1, 2023.
Hayman's contribution to the theory
of meromorphic functions, talk in One day Function theory meeting, London, 9.5.22.
pdf Liouville's equation in the plane,
seminar in Hunan University, August 22, 2022.
pdf Diffrential equations
w''+Aw = 0, where A is entire of
finite order, having a basis of solutions with only real zeros,
Ivano-Frankivsk, May 13, 2022.
pdf Moduli spaces for Lame functions,
Kharkiv Mathematical Society, Jan. 18, 2022.
Metrics of constant positive curvature with
conic singularities, Seminar Geometric Analysis, Purdue August 30, 2021.
pdf Rejected letter to the Notices AMS.
pdf Meromorphic functions with
a-points in disjoint sets, Complex Analysis, Lviv, 6.28-7.1, 2021.
pdf On a problem of Stanislaw Saks, talk in
Lviv Math Society seminar on May 20, 2021.
Moduli spaces for Lame functions (slides
of the talk on DGGA seminar, Princeton Univ. 2.10.2021
seminar, 7.15.2020).
pdf Homogeneous potentials,
(workshop in Lisbon, July 8, 2019).
pdf Real solutions of Painleve VI and
special pentagons. (Fields Inst. June 3, 2019). Video.
pdf Interactions of Function Theory
with Holomorphic Dynamics (talk on the 60-th birthday
of Walter Bergweiler, Edinburgh, July 2018).
pdf Coaxial monodromy,
Lecture in Banff, April 2, 2018,
pdf Entire functions with radially
distributed a-points (Tel Aviv, Jan 30, 2017).
pdf Gluing linear differential equations,
a seminar talk, March 2016.
Zeros and coefficients, October 2015.
Lectures on entire functions in Kent State University, March 14-15, 2015.
Spherical polygons and differential
equations, seminar talk, summer 2014.
pdf (with W. Bergweiler and A. Sokal)
Roots of polynomials with positive coefficients, June 14, 2014,
preliminary version of paper 160.
Stahl's proof of the BMV conjecture (Conference talk in Russian), Kharkiv, June 2013.
Singularities of inverse functions (Lecture in a
workshop on Complex analysis and dynamics in Edinburgh, May 2013).
Linear independence of exponentials on the real line (Preprint, 2012)
Linear differential equations whose general solutions are elementary entire
functions (Preprint, 2012)
Schwarzian derivatives of rational functions (Draft, 2012)
(see also Cui Guizhen, Gao Yan,
Tan Lei and Hans Henrik Rugh).
Goldberg's constants (a seminar talk at Purdue University, Oct. 2011).
Simultaneous stabilization (a seminar talk at Purdue University, Oct. 2011).
Uniform approximation of sgn(x) on two intervals, Colloquium talk on paper 138,
Lectures on Nevanlinna theory
in the Weizmann Institute, Dec. 2010, corrected on July 15, 2012.
Wronski map, Schubert calculus and Pole Placement (talk at AIM, Oct. 2010)
pdf Singular perturbation and real spectral loci, Colloquium talk on
paper 143. Last modified on August 18, 2010.
Geometric theory of meromorphic functions.
(Lectures in U. Michigan in May 2006.
This is an expanded version of my paper 104)
pdf On an entire function (Zeros of deformed
exponential, November 2005).
pdf (with A. Gabrielov)
Elementary proof of the B. and M. Shapiro
conjecture for rational functions,
Oct. 10, 2005 (expanded version).
Progress in entire and meromorphic functions, 2003
(Report on the problems from Hayman's collection).
Sleeping armadillos and Dirichlet Principle (Preprint, 2003)
Numbers and Functions. Introduction to
Vojta's analogy, (Seminar talk, 1999).
Julia directions for holomorphic curves, (Preprint, 1994).
pdf Jentzsch sets of functions analytic
in the unit disc (Preprint, 1993)
Julia sets are uniformly perfect, (Preprint, 1992).
Linear independence of exponentials (Preprint).
Distribution of zeros of some real polynomials
and iteration theory (undated preprint, late 1980s).
video, 114 min Iteration of entire functions,
Lecture on Sullivan's seminar, CUNY Graduate center, Jan 30, 1990.
List of publications