Publications of Alexandre Eremenko

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See also: listing by topics of selected papers.

  1. pdf (with Ju. Gaida) Boundary operator in Boolean algebras with closure. English translation: Ukrainian Math. J., 26, 6 (1974) 662-664. Table illustrating the result. (See also Canilang-Cohen-Graeses-Seong, Bowron, and the website of Mark Bowron on this problem.)
  2. pdf (with V. S. Boichuk) The growth of entire functions represented by Dirichlet series, Izvestija vuzov, 5 (1975), 93-95 (Russian). (See also Ostrovska and Turan.)
  3. pdf Valiron deficiencies of entire characteristic functions. English translation: Ukrainian Math. J., 29, 6 (1978), 600-601.
  4. pdf An inequality for subharmonic functions. Function Theory, Functional Analysis and Applications, 29 (1978), 36-40.
  5. pdf Letter to the editor. Function Theory, Functional Analysis and Applications, 32 (1979), 100 (Russian).
  6. pdf Growth of Nevanlinna proximity function. English translation: Siberian Math. J., 19, 3 (1979), 401-404.
  7. pdf The set of asymptotic values of a meromorphic function of finite order. English translation: Math. Notes, 24, 5-6 (1979), 914-916. (See also A. Canton, D. Drasin and A. Granados, Indiana Univ. Math. J., 59, 3 (2010) 1057-1095.)
  8. pdf (with A. Goldberg) Asymptotic curves of entire functions of finite order. English translation: Math. Sbornik, 37, 4 (1980), 509-533. (See also 49 and Rottenfusser-Ruckert-Rempe-Schleicher)
  9. Asymptotic curves of subharmonic functions in space. Izvestiya Acad. Nauk Armenian SSR, 14, 4 (1979) 292-296 (Russian).
  10. pdf Growth of subharmonic functions on asymptotic curves. English translation: Soviet Math. Dokl., 20, 5 (1979), 943-945.
  11. pdf On counting functions of sequences of a-points for functions holomorphic in the disk. Function Theory, Functional Analysis and Applications, 31 (1979), 59-62 (Russian).
  12. pdf Growth of entire and subharmonic functions on asymptotic curves. English translation: Siberian Math. J., 21, 5 (1981), 573-683.
  13. (with N. Eremenko and M. Petrika) Correlation of myopia with muscular force of arms, J. of Ophthalmology, 6 (1981), 348-351 (Russian, English summary).
  14. pdf An elementary remark on the set of entire solutions of a system of ordinary differential equations, ``Functional Analysis and Applied Mathematics'', Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1982, 31-32 (Russian).
  15. Meromorphic solutions of algebraic differential equations, Dokl. Akad. Nauk Ukrain. SSR Ser. A 1982, no. 1, 14-16 (Ukrainian). English transl.: AMS Transl., v. 126 (1985), 1-3. (Resume of the paper 17).
  16. (with A. Goldberg and I. Ostrovskii) On the sum of entire functions of completely regular growth, Dopovidi Ukrainian Acad. Sci., 2 (1982), 8-11 (Ukrainian, English summary).
  17. pdf Meromorphic solutions of algebraic differential equations. English translation: Russian Math. Surveys, 37, 4 (1982), 61-95. Correction: 38, 6 (1983). (See also 22 and 79, the paper of Adolfo Guillot, Adv. Math. 354 (2019), 106742, 41, and Feng, Feng, Shen.
  18. pdf (Russian) Meromorphic solutions of equations of Briot-Bouquet type. English translation: Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. (2) Vol. 133 (1986), 15-23. (See also paper 130, and Bergweiler-Rippon-Stallard, Eremenko-Liao-Ng and P. Gallagher's paper.)
  19. (with A. Goldberg and I. Ostrovski) On the sum of entire functions of completely regular growth. Izvestiya Acad. Nauk Armenian SSR, 18, 1 (1983), 3-14 (Russian).
  20. pdf Independence of some polynomial statistics from arithmetic mean. English translation: Ukrainian Math. J., 35, 3 (1983), 313-315.
  21. pdf (Russian) English transl. On deviations of meromorphic functions of finite lower order. English translation: Amer. Math. Soc. Transl., (2), 131 (1986), 45-54.
  22. pdf (Russian) pdf (English) On meromorphic solutions of algebraic differential equations of 1-st order. English translation: Functional Analysis and its Applications, 18, 3 (1984), 246-248.
  23. pdf (with M. Lyubich) Iterates of entire functions. English translation: Soviet Math. Dokl., 30, 3 (1984), 592-594. (resume of 24, 58).
  24. pdf (with M. Lyubich) Iterates of entire functions. Preprint 6-84 of the Institute of Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, Kharkov, 1984 (Russian, Most of it was later included to the paper 58).
  25. pdf (with M. Lyubich) Structural stability in some families of entire functions. Preprint 29-84 of the Institute of Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, Kharkov, 1984. (Russian). (See also Astorg, Benini, Fagella.
  26. (with A. Goldberg and M. Smru@uh.eduodin) Defects and deviations of meromorphic functions of finite order. Dokl. Acad. Nauk Ukrainian SSR, N 10 (1984), 3-5 (Russian, Ukrainian).
  27. Defects and deviations of meromorphic functions of finite order. Dokl. Acad. Nauk Ukrainian SSR, N 1 (1985), 18-21 (Russian, Ukrainian).
  28. pdf On the natural asymptotic curves of meromorphic functions. Complex Variables, 4 (1985), 305-309.
  29. pdf (with M. Lyubich) Structural stability in some families on entire functions. English translation: Functional Analysis and its Applications, 19, 4 (1985), 323-324. (See also 58 and Astorg, Benini, Fagella).
  30. pdf (English) pdf (Russian) Valiron exceptional values of entire functions of completely regular growth. Function Theory, Functional Analysis and Applications, 44 (1985), 48-52 (English translation: J. Soviet Math., 48, 3 (1989), 281).
  31. (with A. Goldberg) On the sets of range uniqueness for entire functions. Dokl. Acad. Sci. Armenian SSR, 81, 4 (1985), 159-161 (Russian).
  32. pdf (with D. Shea and M. Sodin) On minimum modulus of entire function on Polya peaks. Function Theory, Functional Analysis and Applications, 45 (1986), 26-40 (English Transl.: J. Soviet Math., 48, 4 (1989), 386).
  33. The inverse problem of R. Nevanlinna theory, Doklady Armenian Acad. Sci., 82, 1 (1986), 2-5 (Russian, English summary). Resume of the paper 35.
  34. pdf-Russian pdf-English (with M. Sodin) A hypothesis of Littlewood and the distribution of values of entire functions. English translation: Functional Analysis and Appl., 20, N 1 (1986), 60-62. (See also Lewis and Wu, J. d'Analyse, 50 (1988)).
  35. pdf Inverse problem of value distribution theory for meromorphic functions of finite order. English translation: Siberian Math. J., 27, 3 (1987), 377-390.
  36. pdf (with M. Sodin) Proof of a conditional theorem of Littlewood on the distribution of values of entire functions. English translation: Math USSR Izvestiya, 30, 2 (1988), 395-402. Russian pdf. (See also Lewis and Wu, J. d'Analyse, 50 (1988)).
  37. pdf On the set of deficient values of entire function of finite order. English translation: Ukrainian Math. J., 39, 3 (1987), 225-228.
  38. pdf (with A. Goldberg and M. Sodin) Exceptional values in the sense of R. Nevanlinna and in the sense of V.P. Petrenko, I. Function Theory, Functional Analysis and Applications, (1987) 47, 41-50 (English translation: J. Soviet Math., 48, 6 (1989), 648.
  39. pdf (with A. Goldberg and M. Sodin) Exceptional values in the sense of R. Nevanlinna and in the sense of V.P. Petrenko, II. Function Theory, Functional Analysis and Applications, (1987) 48, 48-70 (English translation: J. Soviet Math., 49, 2 (1990), 891.
  40. pdf (with I.N. Baker) A problem on Julia sets. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Ser. A 1, Math., 12 (1987), 229-236. (See also Dinh and Sibony and Levin-Przytycki, PAMS 125 (1997)).
  41. pdf (with M. Lyubich) Examples of entire functions with pathological dynamics. J. London Math. Soc., (2) 36 (1987), 458-468.
  42. pdf On entire functions bounded on the real axis. English translation: Soviet Math. Dokl., 37, 3 (1988), 693-695.
  43. pdf New proof of Drasin's theorem on meromorphic functions of finite order with maximal deficiency sum I, Function Theory, Functional Analysis and their Application, (1989), 51, 107-116. English translation: Journal of Soviet Math., 52, 6 (1990), 3522-3529. (See also 65).
  44. pdf New proof of Drasin's theorem on meromorphic functions of finite order with maximal deficiency sum II, Function Theory, Functional Analysis and their Application, 52 (1989) 69-77. English translation: Journal of Soviet Math 52, 5 (1990) 3397-3403. (See also 65).
  45. pdf,part1, pdf,part2 and pdf,part3 (with M. Lyubich) Dynamics of analytic transformations. Algebra and Analysis, 1, 3 (1989), 1-70 (Russian, pdf) English transl.: Leningrad Math. J., 1, 3 (1990), 563-634 (English). Correction
  46. pdf (Russian) Some functional equations connected with iteration of rational functions. Algebra and Analysis, 1, 4 (1989), 102-116 English transl.: Leningrad Math. J., 1, 4 (1990), 905-919 (English). (For multidimensional generalization of this see Dinh and Sibony and Kaufmann ).
  47. pdf (with G. Levin) On periodic points of a polynomial. English translation: Ukrainian Mth. J., 41, 11 (1989), 1258-1262.
  48. pdf On the iteration of entire functions. Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory. Banach Center Publications, 23, Warszawa, PWN, 1989, 339-345.
    (See also Rottenfusser-Ruckert-Rempe-Schleicher, Bergweiler, and Rempe's poem on this paper). The "Eremenko conjecture" has been finally disproved by Marti-Pete, Rempe, Waterman.
  49. (with M. Sodin) On the behavior of an entire function on a sequence of concentric circles. Complex Variables, 12 (1989), 267-276. (Russian version: "Analysis in infinite dimensional spaces and operator theory", Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1983, p. 68-76).
  50. (with S. Ya. Khavinson, A. A. Kondratyuk, B. Ya. Levin, S. N. Mergelyan, I. V. Ostrovskii, M. N. Sheremeta, L. I. Volkovyskii) Anatolii Asirovich Goldberg (on his sixtieth birthday), Russian Math. Surveys, 45 (1990) 247-250.
  51. pdf (with M. Sodin) The second main theorem of value distribution theory for meromorphic curves and non-linear divisors. Dokl. Acad. Nauk USSR (1990), 1293-1295 (English translation: Soviet Math. Dokl., 41, 2 (1990), 359-362.) Resume of the paper 54.
  52. pdf (with M. Sodin) Iteration of rational functions and value distribution of Poincare functions. Function Theory, Functional Analysis and Applications, 53 (1990), 18-25 (English translation: J. Soviet Math., 58 (1992), 504-509.)
  53. pdf (with M. Sodin) On meromorphic functions of finite order with maximal deficiency sum. Function Theory, Functional Analysis and Applications. 55, (1991) 84-95 (English translation: J. Soviet Math., 59 (1992), 643-651.)
  54. pdf-Russian (with M. Sodin) Value distribution of meromorphic functions and meromorphic curves from the point of view of potential theory. Algebra & Analysis, 3, N 1 (1991), 131-164. English translation: St. Petersburg Math. J., 3 (1992), 109-136.
  55. pdf (with M. Sodin) On the distribution of values of meromorphic functions of finite order. Dokl. Acad. Nauk USSR 316, N 3 (1991), 538-541. (English translation: Soviet math. Dokl., 43 (1991), 128-131.) See also Yamanoi-1 and Yamanoi-2, and Y. Chen, An asymptotic equality of Cartan's Second Main Theorem and some generalizations, Analysis Matheatica (2024).
  56. pdf Lower estimates in Littlewood's conjecture on mean spherical derivative of a polynomial. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 112, N 3 (1991), 713-715. (See also Lewis and Wu, J. d'Analyse, 50 (1988)).
  57. pdf (with J. Lewis) Uniform limits of certain A-harmonic functions with applications to quasiregular mappings. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn., Ser. A. I., 1991, vol. 16, fasc. 2, 361-375. (See also Lewis, Bonk and Poggi-Corradini and E. Prywes.
  58. (with M. Ostrovskii and M. Sodin) On the support of the Riesz charge of a delta-subharmonic function, in: Operator Theory, subharmonic functions, Kiev, "Naukova Dumka", 1991, 50-54.
  59. pdf (with M. Lyubich) Dynamical properties of some classes of entire functions. Ann. Inst. Fourier, 42, 4 (1992), p. 1-32. Correction. The results of section 6 use Baker's theorem on completely invariant domains which is unproved. However, in the rest of the paper we use these results only for functions of class S, and in this case they are correct and easy to prove. See also Sixsmith.
  60. pdf (with B. Fuglede and M.Sodin) On the Riesz charge of the lower envelope of delta-subharmonic functions. Potential Analysis, 1992, vol. 1, N 2, 191-204.
  61. pdf A counterexample to the Arakelyan Conjecture. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 1992, vol. 27, N 1, p. 159-164. (See also Lewis and Wu, J. d'Analyse, 50 (1988)).
  62. pdf (with T. Lyons) Finely open subsets in the limit set of a finitely generated Kleinian group. Published in the book: B. Fuglede et al. (ed.), Approximation by Solutions of Partial Differential Equations. NATO ASI Ser., C: Math. and Phys. Sci., vol. 365, Kluwer Acad. Publ., London, 1992; p. 61-67.
  63. (with M. Sodin) Parametrization of entire functions of sine-type by their critical values. In "Advances in Soviet mathematics", volume 11, 1992, AMS, 1992, p. 237-242. (See also G. Semmler).
  64. pdf (with G. Levin) Estimates for characteristic exponents of a polynomial, Function Theory, Functional Analysis and Applications. 58, 1993, 30-39. (Russian, English transl.: J. Math. Sci. (New York) 85 (1997), no. 5, 2164--2171)
  65. pdf (with J. Clunie and J. Rossi) On equilibrium points of logarithmic and Newtonian potential, Journal of the London Math. Soc., 47, 1993, 309-320.
  66. pdf Meromorphic functions with small ramification, Indiana University Math. Journal, 42, 4 (1993), 1193-1218. (See also Jianhua Zheng, Value distribution of meromorphic functions, Springer 2010).
  67. pdf On the characterization of a Riemann surface by its semigroup of endomorphisms. Trans. AMS 338, 1 (1993), 123-131.
  68. pdf (with G. Levin and M. Sodin) On the distribution of zeros of the Ruelle Zeta-Function, Comm. Math. Phys, 159, 3 (1994), 433-441.
  69. Two problems of potential theory arising in the study of the distribution of values of entire functions. ``Classical and Modern Potential Theory and Applications'', ed. K. Gowrisankaran et al., NATO ASI Ser., Math. Phys., vol. 430, Kluwer, London, 1994, p. 464-466.
  70. pdf (with J. Langley and J. Rossi) On the zeros of meromorphic functions of the form $\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{a_k}{z-z_k}$. Journ. d'Analyse Math., 62 (1994), 271-286.
  71. pdf (with L. Lempert) An extremal problem for polynomials, Proc. AMS., 122, 1 (1994), 191-193. (See also 118).
  72. pdf (with W. Bergweiler) On the singularities of the inverse to a meromorphic function of finite order, Revista math. iberoamericana, 11 (1995), 355-373. (See also Rempe-Gillen and Sixsmith and Ta Thi Hoai Ann and Nguyen Viet Huong.
  73. pdf (with D. Hamilton) On the area distortion by quasiconformal mappings, Proc. AMS, 123, 9 (1995), 2793-2797. (See also V. Nesi, Arch. rat. mech. anal., 134 (1996) 1, 17-51.)
  74. pdf (with L. Rubel) On the zero sets of certain entire functions, Proc. AMS., 124, 8 (1996), 2401-2404.
  75. pdf A counterexample to Cartan's conjecture on holomorphic curves omitting hyperplanes, Proc. AMS, 124, 10 (1996), 3097-3100. (See also 76).
  76. pdf (with L. Rubel) The arithmetic of entire functions under composition, Adv. Math., 124, 2 (1996), 334-354.
  77. pdf Holomorphic curves omitting five planes in projective space, American J. Math., 118, 6 (1996), 1141-1151. (See also K. Yamanoi.)
  78. Entire and meromorphic solutions of ordinary differential equations, Chapter 6 in the book: Complex Analysis I, Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences, vol. 85; Springer, NY, 1997, 141-153.
  79. pdf An analogue of the defect relation for the uniform metric, Complex Variables, Theory and Appl., 34 (1997), 83-97.
  80. pdf Rational solutions of first-order differential equations, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn., Math., v. 23, 1998, 181-190. Corrected version. (See also Freitag and Moosa), Ingram, and Feng, Feng, Shen, Feng, Shen.
  81. pdf Extremal holomorphic curves for defect relations, J. d'Analyse math., vol. 74, 1998, 307-323.
  82. pdf An analogue of the defect relation for the uniform metric, II, Complex Variables, Theory and Appl., 37, 1998, 145-159.
  83. pdf (with I. Ostrovskii and M. Sodin) Anatolii Asirovich Gol'dberg, Complex variables, Theory and Appl., 37, 1998, 1-51.
  84. pdf A Picard type theorem for holomorphic curves, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, 38, 1-2 (1999), 39-42. (See also Llorente).
  85. pdf (with W. Hayman) On the length of lemniscates, Michigan Math. J., 46 (1999), 409-415. Corrected version. (See also Fryntov and Nazarov).
  86. pdf (with M. Bonk) Schlicht regions for entire and meromorphic functions, J. d'Analyse 77, 1999, 69-104. (See also 94).
  87. pdf (with W. Hayman) Univalent functions of fast growth with gap power series, Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 127 (1999), 525-532.
  88. pdf (with A. Atzmon and M. Sodin) Spectral inclusion and analytic continuation, Bull. London Math. Soc., 31 (1999), 722-728.
  89. pdf (with M. Bonk) Surfaces singulières de fonctions méromorphes, CRAS, 329, (1999), 953-955. (Complete version is 95 below). See also Bonk's exposition in the Notices
  90. pdf Bloch radius, normal families and quasiregular mappings, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 128 (2000), 557-560. (See also K. Rajala, Proc. AMS, 132 (2004)).
  91. pdf Ahlfors' contribution to the theory of meromorphic functions, in the book: R. Brooks and M. Sodin, eds., Lectures in Memory of Lars Ahlfors, Israel Math. Conf. Proc., vol. 14, AMS, Providence RI, 2000, pp. 41-63.
  92. pdf (with M. Bonk) Uniformly hyperbolic surfaces, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 49, 1 (2000), 61-80. (See also B. Saleur, Inegalite d'Ahlfors en dimension superieure, Math. Ann., 344, 2009, 847-852.)
  93. pdf (with W. Bergweiler) Entire function of slow growth whose Julia set coincides with the plane, Ergod. Theory and Dyn. Syst. 20 (2000), 1-6. Correction: 21 (2001), 637. Corrected version.
  94. pdf (with W. Hayman) On a conjecture of Danikas and Ruscheweyh, in: P. Ricci, ed., Problemi attuali dell'analisi e della fisica matematica, dedicato alla memoria del Prof. Gaetano Fichera, Aracne, Roma, 2000, p. 17-24.
  95. pdf (with M. Bonk) Covering properties of meromorphic functions, negative curvature and spherical geometry, Ann of Math. 152 (2000), 551-592. Non-technical exposition by M. Bonk
  96. pdf (with A. Gabrielov) Wronski map and Grassmannians of real codimension 2 subspaces, Computational Methods and Function Theory, 1 (2001) 1-25.
  97. pdf (with A. Gabrielov) Rational functions with real critical points and the B. and M. Shapiro conjecture in real enumerative geometry, Ann of Math., 155 (2002), 105-129. (See also Eremenko, Gabrielov and Mukhin, Tarasov, Varchenko, Sottile, Levinson and Purbhoo, Peltola and Wang, and Thurston's post.)
  98. pdf (with A. Gabrielov) Counterexamples to pole placement by static output feedback, Linear Algebra and Appl., 351-352 (2002) 211-218. (See also 101).
  99. pdf (with A. Gabrielov) Degrees of real Wronski maps, Discrete and Computational Geometry, 28 (2002) 331--347. (See also Sottile, Hein, Sottile, Zelenko, Hein, Hillar, Sottile, Mukhin and Tarasov and Levinson and Purbhoo.)
  100. pdf Value distribution and potential theory, Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, vol. 2, p. 681-690, Higher Education Press, Beijing, 2002.
  101. pdf (with A. Gabrielov) Pole placement by static output feedback for generic linear systems, SIAM J. on Control and Opt., 41, 1 (2002) 303--312.
  102. (with W. Hayman) On the length of lemniscates, in the book: Paul Erdos and his Mathematics. I, Bolyai Society, Budapest, 2002 241--242.
  103. pdf (with W. Bergweiler and J. Langley) Real entire functions of infinite order and a conjecture of Wiman, GAFA, 13, 5 (2003), 975-991. (See also Langley.)
  104. pdf (with D. Novikov) Oscillation of functions with a spectral gap, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 101, 16 (2004), 5872-5873. (See 104). (see also Mitkovski and Poltoratski).
  105. pdf (with D. Novikov) Oscillation of Fourier integrals with a spectral gap, J. de Math. Pures et Appl., 8, 3 (2004), 313-365.
  106. pdf Geometric theory of meromorphic functions, in the book: In the Tradition of Ahlfors-Bers, III, (Contemp. math., 355) AMS, Providence, RI, 2004, pp. 221-230. (Here is an Expanded version).
  107. pdf Transcendental meromorphic functions with three singular values, Illinois J. Math., 48 (2004), 701-709.
  108. pdf Metrics of positive curvature with conic singularities on the sphere, Proc. AMS, 132 (2004), 11, 3349--3355.
  109. pdf Critical values of generating functions of totally positive sequences, Matematicheskaya fizika, analiz, geometriya, 11 (2004), 4, 421-433. (Math. Physics, Analysis and Geometry (MAG)).
  110. pdf html (with A. Baernstein II, A. Fryntov and A. Solynin) Sharp estimates for hyperbolic metrics and covering theorems of Landau type, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 30 (2005) 113-133.
  111. pdf (with W. Bergweiler and J. Langley) Zeros of differential polynomials in real meromorphic functions, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (2005) 48 1-15.
  112. pdf (with S. Merenkov) Nevanlinna functions with real zeros, Illinois J. Math., 49, 3-4 (2005) 1093--1110.
  113. pdf (with A. Gabrielov, M. Shapiro and A. Vainshtein) Rational functions and real Schubert calculus, Proc. AMS, 134 (2006), no. 4, 949--957. (See also Sottile, Karp and Karp, Purbhoo).
  114. pdf Meromorphic traveling wave solutions of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation, J. Math. Phys., Anal. Geom. (Kharkov), 2 (2006) N 3 278-286.
  115. pdf Exceptional values in holomorphic families of entire functions, Michigan Math. J., 54, 3 (2006) 687-696. Theorem 1 in this paper is not new: a stronger result was proved by H. Alexander, Duke M. J., 42 (1975) 327-332. I also did not know the book on a related subject: J. Anastassiadis, Recherches algebriques sur le theoreme de Picard-Montel, Actualites Sci. Ind. No. 1273, Hermann, Paris 1959. Still my paper contains some new results.
  116. pdf (with W. Bergweiler) Proof of a conjecture of Polya on the zeros of successive derivatives of real entire functions, Acta math., 197, 2 (2006), 125-146.
  117. pdf A Toda lattice in dimension 2 and Nevanlinna theory, J. Math. Phys., Anal. Geom. (Kharkov), 31 (2007) 39-46.
  118. pdf A Markov-type inequality for arbitrary plane continua, Proc. AMS, 135 (2007) 1505-1510.
  119. pdf (with Peter Yuditskii) Uniform approximation of sgn(x) by polynomials and entire functions, J. d'Analyse Math., 101 (2007) 313-324. (see also paper 139 and Nazarov, Peherstorfer, Volberg, Yuditskii)
  120. pdf (with N. Nadirashvili and D. Jakobson) On nodal sets and nodal domains in the sphere and in the plane, Ann. Inst. Fourier, 57 (2007) 2345-2360.
  121. pdf (with I. Ostrovskii) On the ``pits effect'' of Littlewood and Offord, Bull. London Math. Soc., 39 (2007) 929-939. (See also Borichev, Nishry and Sodin.
  122. pdf (with A. Gabrielov and B. Shapiro) High energy eigenfunctions of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators with polynomial coefficients, Computational Methods and Function Theory, 8 (2008). No. 2, 513--529.
  123. pdf (with W. Bergweiler) Meromorphic functions with two completely invariant domains, in the book: Ph. Rippon and G. Stallard, eds, Transcendental Dynamics and Complex Analysis, p. 74-89 (LMS Lect. Notes Ser., 348) Cambridge UP, 2008 Correction
  124. pdf (with A. Gabrielov and B. Shapiro) Zeros of eigenfunctions of some anharmonic oscillators, Ann. Inst. Fourier, Grenoble, 58, 2 (2008) 603-624.
  125. pdf (with P. Yuditskii) Extremal problem for a class of entire functions, CRAS. Ser. I, 346 (2008) 825-828.
  126. pdf Fabry's theorem for power series with regularly varying coefficients, PAMS, 136 (2008), 4389-4394.
  127. pdf (with J. Langley) A survey of some results after 1970 (Appendix to the book: A. Goldberg and I. Ostrovskii, Value Distribution of Meromorphic functions, Transl. Math. Monogr., vol. 236, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence RI, 2008.
  128. pdf (with W. Bergweiler) Direct singularities and completely invariant domains of entire functions,
    Illinois J. Math. 52 (2008) N 1, 243-259. Correction. The proof of Theorem 2 in this paper is wrong: we used Baker's argument which is incorrect.
  129. pdf Densities in Fabry's theorem, Illinois J. Math., 52, No. 4, 1277-1290 (2008).
  130. pdf (with L. W. Liao and T. W. Ng) Meromorphic solutions of higher order Briot-Bouquet differential equations,
    Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., v. 146, no. 1 (2009) 197-206. (See also A. Yanchenko, Izv. Math., 86 (2022) 5 187-208 and P. Gallagher).
  131. pdf (with A. Gabrielov) Analytic continuation of eigenvalues of a quartic oscillator, Comm. Math. Phys., v. 287, No. 2 (2009) 431-457.
  132. pdf (with W. Bergweiler) Meromorphic functions with linearly distributed values and Julia sets of rational functions, Proc. AMS. 137 (2009), 2329-2333.
  133. (with V. Azarin, V. Matsaev, I. Ostrovskii, M. Sodin) Anatolii Asirovich Goldberg (1930-2008), Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry, 5 (2009), 1, 104-106. (Russian)
  134. pdf (with W. Bergweiler) On the number of solutions of a transcendental equation arising in the theory of gravitational lensing, CMFT, Comput. Methods Funct. Theory 10 (2010), No. 1, 303--324.
  135. pdf (with A. Gabrielov) Tangencies between holomorphic maps and holomorphic laminations, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 138 (2010), 2489-2492.
  136. pdf Brody curves omitting hyperplanes, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math., 35 (2010) 565-570. (See also 146 and Da Costa and Duval).
  137. pdf (with W. Cherry) Landau's theorem for holomorphic curves in projective space and the Kobayashi metric on hyperplane complement, Pure and Appl. Math. Quarterly., 7, 1 (2011) p. 199-221.
  138. pdf (with W. Bergweiler) Dynamics of a higher dimensional analog of trigonometric functions, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math., 36, 1 (2011) p. 165-175.
  139. pdf (with A. Gabrielov) Quasi-exactly solvable quartic: elementary integrals and asymptotics, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 44 (2011) 312001. See also Mukhin and Tarasov, On conjectures of Eremenko and Gabrielov.
  140. pdf (with P. Yuditskii) Polynomials of the best uniform approximation to sgn(x) on two intervals, J. d'Analyse math., 114 (2011) 285-315.
  141. pdf (with S. Ivanov) Spectra of the Gurtin-Pipkin type equations, SIAM J. on Math. Anal., 43, N5 (2011) 2296--2306.
  142. pdf (with A. Gabrielov) Elementary proof of the B. and M. Shapiro conjecture for rational functions, in the book: Notions of positivity and the geometry of polynomials, trends in mathematics, Springer, Basel, 2011, p. 167-178.
  143. pdf (with S. van Strien) Rational functions with real multipliers, Trans. AMS, 363, 12 (2011) 6453-6463. (See also Zhuchao Ji and Junyi Xie.)
  144. pdf (with A. Gabrielov) Singluar perturbation of polynomial potentials in the complex domain with applications to spectral loci of PT-symmetric families, Moscow Math. J., 11, 3, (2011) 473-503.
  145. (with P. Z. Agranovich et al.) V. N. Logvinenko (obituary), Visnyk of Kharkiv University, 990 (2011) 56-58 (in Russian)
  146. pdf (with M. Barrett) A generalization of a theorem of Clunie and Hayman, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 140, (2012) 1397-1402. (See also Da Costa and Duval).
  147. pdf (with W. Bergweiler) A property of the derivative of an entire function, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn., 37, (2012) 301-307.
  148. pdf (with A. Gabrielov) Quasi-exactly solvable quartic: real algebraic spectral locus, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45 (2012) 175205.
  149. pdf (with A. Gabrielov) Two parametric family of PT-symmetric quartics, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45 (2012) 175206.
  150. pdf (with P. Yuditskii) Comb functions, Contemp. Math., 578 (2012) 99-118.
  151. pdf Invariant curves and semiconjugacies of rational functions, Fundamenta Math., 219, 3 (2012) 263-270. Example by Peter Muller.
  152. pdf (with E. Lundberg) Non-algebraic quadrature domains, Potential Analysis, 38, 3 (2013), 787-804.
  153. pdf (with W. Bergweiler) Goldberg's constants, J. d'Analyse Math., 119, 1, (2013) 365-402. Maple script related to this paper
  154. pdf Normal holomorphic maps from a cylinder to a projective space, Houston J. Math., 39, 4, (2013) 1349-1357.
  155. pdf (with V. Grinberg) "New chronology" of Nosovski and Fomenko in the Notices (Letter to the editor), Notices AMS, August 2013, p. 840.
  156. pdf (with M. Barrett) On the spherical derivative of a rational function, Anal. Math. Phys. vol. 4 (2014), no. 1. (See also A. Zdunik, Characteristic exponents of rational functions, Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci. Math. 62 (2014), no. 3, 257--263.)
  157. pdf On the second main theorem of Cartan, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn., 39 (2014) 895-871 (Corrected version) Correction (Same journal, vol. 40, 1 (2015). See also: Y. Chen, An asymptotic equality of Cartan's Second Main Theorem and some generalizations, Analysis Matheatica (2024).
  158. pdf (with A. Gabrielov) Spectral loci of Sturm--Liouville operators with polynomial potentials, Spectral Theory and Differential Equations. V. A. Marchenko 90th Anniversary Collection, editors: E.Khruslov and L. Pastur, AMS Transl. 233 (2014) 135-143.
  159. pdf (with A. Gabrielov and V. Tarasov) Metrics with conic singularities and spherical polygons, Illinois J. Math., 58, 3 (2014) 739-755.
  160. pdf (with W. Bergweiler) Distribution of zeros of polynomials with positive coefficients, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn., 40 (2015) 375-383.
    (See also Ghosh and Zeitouni and Tan and To.).
  161. pdf Herbert Stahl's proof of the BMV conjecture, Mat. Sbornik, 206, 1, (2015) 87-92. (See also O. Heinavaara, and an application of Stahl's theorem.)
  162. pdf (with E. Lundberg) Quasi-exceptional domains, Pacific J. M., 276, 1 (2015) 167-183. (See also Traizet.)
  163. pdf Disconjugacy and secant conjecture, Arnold Math. J.,1 (2015) 3, 339-342. (The conjecture is now proved by Karp and Purbhoo. See also Karp.)
  164. pdf (with A. Gabrielov) On metrics of curvature 1 with four singularities on tori and on the sphere, Illinois J. Math., 59, No. 4, 925-947 (2015).
  165. pdf (with A. Fryntov) Remarks on Obrechkoff's inequality, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 144, 2 (2016) 703-707. (See also Michelen and Sahasrabudhe.)
  166. pdf (with W. Bergweiler) Green functions and antiholomorphic dynamics on tori, Proc. AMS, 144, 7 (2016) 2911-2922. (See also Bogdanov et al. and Traizet.)
  167. pdf (with A. Gabrielov and V. Tarasov) Metrics with four conic singularities and spherical quadrilaterals, Conformal geometry and Dynamics, 20 (2016) 128--175
  168. pdf (with A. Gabrielov and V. Tarasov) Spherical quadrilaterals with three non-integer angles, Journal of Math. Ph. Analysis and Geometry, 12 (2016) 2, 134-167.
  169. pdf (with A. Gabrielov) Spherical rectangles, Arnold Math. J., 2, 4 (2016) 463-486 (See also Z. Chen and C.-S. Lin).
  170. pdf (with A. Gabrielov and A. Hinkkanen) Exceptional solutions of the Painleve VI equation, J. Math. Phys., 58, 1 (2017).
  171. pdf (with W. Bergweiler) On the Bank-Laine conjecture, J.European Math. Soc., 19 (2017) 6, 1899-1909. See also Langley-1 and Langley-2.
  172. pdf (with A. Gabrielov) Circular pentagons and real solutions of Painleve VI equations, Comm. Math. Phys., 355, 1 (2017) 51-95.
  173. pdf (with V. Tarasov) Fuchsian equations with three non-apparent singularities, Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA), 14 (2018), 058, 12p.
  174. pdf (with W. Bergweiler) On the number of solutions of some transcendental equations, Analysis and Mathematical Physics, 8, 2 (2018) 185-196. Online version.
  175. pdf (with W. Bergweiler and A. Hinkkanen) Entire functions with two radially distributed values, Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 165 (2018), 93-108. Correction.
  176. pdf (with A. Gabrielov) PT-symmetric eigenvalues for homogeneous potentials, J. Math. Phys., 59 (2018) 053503.
  177. pdf (with W. Bergweiler) Quasiconformal surgery and linear differential equations, J. d'Analyse, 137 (2019) 2, 751-812 Online version.
  178. pdf (with W. Bergweiler) Radially distributed values and normal families, IMRN, vol. 2019, (2019) 23, 7356-7378. Online version.
  179. pdf A problem of Stanislaw Saks, Mat. Stud., 52, No. 2 (2019) 173-175.
  180. Meromorphic functions. In the book: W. Hayman and E. Lingham, Research Problems in Function Theory, Springer 2019, p. 1-3. arXiv.
  181. pdf Co-axial monodromy, Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa, Cl. di Sci. (5) 20, 2 (2020) 619-634. (See also Q. Gendron and G. Tahar and Chen, Lin and Yang.)
  182. pdf Metrics of constant positive curvature with four conic singularities on the sphere, Proc. AMS 148, 9 (2020) 3957-3965. Appendix. Online version
  183. pdf (with W. Bergweiler) Radially distributed values and normal families, II, J. d'Analyse, 141 (2020) 99-111. Online version.
  184. pdf (with W. Bergweiler) Entire functions with separated zeros and 1-points, Comp. Methods and Function Theory, 20 (3) (2020) 729-746. Online version
  185. pdf Entire functions, PT symmetry and Voros's quantization scheme, Math. Studii, 54, N2 (2020), 203-210.
  186. pdf (with A. Gabrielov) Schwarz--Klein triangles, JMAG, 16, 3 (2020) 263-282. Online version
  187. pdf (with W. Bergweiler) Meromorphic functions with radially distributed values, CMFT, 21 (2021), 671-696. online version.
  188. pdf (with M. Bonk) Canonical embeddings of pairs of arcs, CMFT, 21 (2021) 21, 825-830. online version. See also Marshall, Rohde and Wang.
  189. pdf (with A. Fryntov) Stability in the Marcinkiewicz theorem, JMAG, Vol. 17 (2021) N 4 463-467. (See also Dinh, Ghosh, H.-S., Tran and M.-H. Tran.)
  190. pdf (with A. Gabrielov, G. Mondello and D. Panov) Moduli spaces for Lame functions and Abelian integrals of the second kind, Comm. Contemp. Math., 24, (2022) N2, 2150028, 1-68.
  191. pdf (with W. Bergweiler and J. Langley) On conformal metrics of constant positive curvature in the plane, JMAG, 19 (2023) 1, 59-73.
  192. pdf (with G. Mondello and D. Panov) Moduli of spherical tori with one conical point, Geometry and Topology, 27 (2023) 9, 3619-3698. Online version (See also Po-Sheng Wu) and Chou, Wang, Wu
  193. pdf (with W. Bergweiler and L. Rempe) Second order linear differential equations with a basis of solutions having only real zeros, J. d'Analyse Math., 152 (2024) 53-108. Online version


  194. pdf (with Ch. Bishop and K. Lazebnik) On the shapes of rational lemniscates, GAFA, Published online on February 18, 2025.
  195. pdf (with Walter Bergweiler) On Bloch's "Principle of topological continuity", CMFT, published online on January 4, 2024.
  196. pdf (with Changfeng Gui, Qinfeng Li and Lu Xu) Rigidity results on Liouville equation, Communications in Analysis and Geometry, 33 (2025), 1. Accepted on 8.21.2024.
