Johnny Brown Receives Murphy Award

Message from the Head

1999 Distinguished Alumnus

1998-1999 "In Review"

Graduate Student News

Nancy Eberle Recognized for Service to Department

1998-1999 Undergraduate Awards

Mathematics Professors Honored

McClure Named 1999 School of Science Outstanding Teacher

Conferences Set

Math Club

Web Site Award

An Elephant Problem

DC Alumni Reception

Editors and Contributors


Math PUrview Home Page

Math Department Home Page

Web Site Award

We are pleased to report that our departmental web page was recently selected as a Links2Go "Key Resource" under the topic "Mathematical Departments."

Links2Go bases its awards on an objective statistical measure applied to an extremely large data set. Each quarter Links2Go samples millions of web pages to determine which are most heavily cited by web page authors. The most popular are downloaded and automatically categorized by topic. At most 50 of the pages related to a topic are selected as "Key Resources." Out of 50 pages selected as Key Resouces for the Mathematical Departments topic, our page ranked 35th.
