You're invited!
In conjunction with the Joint Mathematics Meetings in Washington, D.C., the Mathematics Department will host a
Purdue Alumni Reception
Friday, January 21, 2000
5:00 to 6:30 p.m.
Marriott Wardman Park Hotel
free hors d'oeuvre, cash bar
An Elephant Problem
An animal trainer has 13 elephants with the property that whenever any single elephant is taken aside, the remaining 12 can be separated into two groups of six of equal weight. Show that all 13 elephants must weigh exactly the same.
Your Gifts are Important to Us!
As the Department of Mathematics continually works to improve the quality of its programs, one of our major goals is to increase the amount of money available for departmental student activities and support. Annual alumni contributions, no matter what the amount, are very important to our efforts in this area. We thank those of you who have helped support the Mathematics Department by specifying that your University gifts be directed to us and hope that all of our alumni will consider designating the department as the recipient of future gifts.