
Upcoming Talks/Travel

  • [11-Nov-2024] to [15-Nov-2024]: ISI Kolkata

  • [18-Nov-2024] to [19-Nov-2024]: IMSc Chennai

  • [20-Nov-2024] to [22-Nov-2024]: IIT Bombay

  • [27-Nov-2024] to [29-Nov-2024]: Queen's University, Kingston

  • [02-Dec-2024] to [06-Dec-2024]: Kansas State University

Research Talks

  • The shifted convolution of divisor functions in function fields
    [07-Nov-2024]: Circle Methods and Related Topics, ICTS Bengaluru (video)

  • The fourth moment of the Hurwitz zeta function on the critical line
    [28-May-2024]: SCHOLAR II, The Fields Institute\({}^\star\) (video)

  • The moments of the Hurwitz zeta function with irrational shifts
    [09-May-2024]: Quebec-Vermont Number Theory Seminar (QVNTS)
    [03-May-2024]: Algebra & Number Theory Seminar, University of Rochester

  • The Estermann function in function fields
    [21-Feb-2024]: Joint Analytic Number Theory Seminar, Stanford University

  • Principal eigenvectors and principal ratios in hypergraph TurĂ¡n problems
    [12-Feb-2024]: Combinatorics and Discrete Probability Seminar, University of Illinois at Chicago
    [09-Feb-2024]: Combinatorics & Graph Theory Seminar, Purdue University

  • The value distribution of the Hurwitz zeta function with irrational shifts (slides)
    [01-Dec-2022]: Weekly Seminar, PIMS CRG on \(L\)-functions in Analytic Number Theory (video)

  • The VC-dimension of quadratic residues in finite fields (slides)
    [18-Sep-2024]: Purdue Analytic Number Theory and Harmonic Analysis (PANTHA) Seminar\({}^\dagger\)
    [23-May-2023]: CANT 2023 (Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory)\({}^\star\)
    [18-Mar-2023]: Special Session on Discrete Analysis, AMS Spring Southeastern Sectional, GeorgiaTech\({}^\star\)
    [04-Jan-2023]: AMS Contributed Paper Session, Joint Mathematical Meetings, Boston\({}^\star\)
    [18-Nov-2022]: Discrete Math and Combinatorics Seminar, University of South Carolina

  • Moments of the Hurwitz zeta function on the critical line (slides)
    [07-Oct-2023]: Special Session on Analytic Number Theory and related fields, AMS Fall Central Sectional, Creighton University\({}^\star\)
    [04-Oct-2023]: Purdue Analytic Number Theory and Harmonic Analysis (PANTHA) Seminar\({}^\dagger\)
    [01-Apr-2023]: 11th Annual Upstate New York Number Theory Conference\({}^\star\)
    [14-Feb-2023]: OleMiss Number Theory Seminar
    [02-Feb-2023]: Number Theory Seminar, UC Irvine
    [11-Nov-2022]: SCGP Program on Number Theory and Physics (video)
    [02-Nov-2022]: Algebra & Number Theory Seminar, University of Rochester
    [29-Jul-2022]: PIMS CRG Workshop on Moments of \(L\)-functions\({}^\star\) (video)
    [27-May-2022]: CANT 2022 (Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory)\({}^\star\) (video)
    [02-Apr-2022]: 47th Annual New York State Regional Graduate Mathematics Conference\({}^\star\)
    [28-Mar-2022]: Graduate Number Theory Seminar, Rutgers University
    [23-Mar-2022]: Number Theory Seminar, Duke University
    [18-Mar-2022]: Graduate Students’ Seminar, University of Rochester

\(\star\): short and/or contributed talks
\(\dagger\): self-invited talks

Expository Talks

  • The Distribution of Values of the Riemann Zeta Function inside the Critical Strip
    [21-Apr-2021]: London Analytic Number Theory Study Group (slides)

  • Discrepancy Bounds for the Riemann Zeta Function
    [04-Dec-2020]: Oral Exam, University of Rochester (video, slides)

  • The Zig-Zag Product and Reingold's Theorem
    [27-Feb-2020]: Combinatorics Seminar, University of Rochester (slides)

  • A Crash Course in Complexity Theory with a view towards \(\mathtt{ustcon} \in L\)
    [25-Feb-2020]: Combinatorics Seminar, University of Rochester (slides)