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MA 69900, Summer 2017

Course Description

Credit Hours: 1.00 to 18.00. Research PhD Thesis. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall Spring Summer.

Instructor Info.

Section Room Time Instructor Office
MA 69900 001 7:00pm Arapura, Donu MATH 642
MA 69900 002 7:00pm Bañuelos, Rodrigo MATH 428
MA 69900 003 7:00pm Basu, Saugata MATH 742
MA 69900 004 7:00pm Baudoin, Fabrice No Office
MA 69900 005 7:00pm Bauman, Patricia MATH 718
MA 69900 006 7:00pm Bell, Steven MATH 750
MA 69900 007 7:00pm Boutin, Mireille MSEE 342
MA 69900 008 7:00pm Brown, Johnny MATH 700
MA 69900 009 7:00pm Buzzard, Gregery MATH 832
MA 69900 010 7:00pm Cai, Zhiqiang MATH 412
MA 69900 011 7:00pm Caviglia, Giulio MATH 608
MA 69900 012 7:00pm Chen, Min MATH 418
MA 69900 013 7:00pm Cowen, Carl MATH 809
MA 69900 014 7:00pm Cushman, John HAMP 3223
MA 69900 015 7:00pm Dadarlat, Marius MATH 622
MA 69900 016 7:00pm Danielli, Donatella MATH 620
MA 69900 017 7:00pm Datchev, Kiril MATH 602
MA 69900 018 7:00pm Davis, Burgess MATH 622
MA 69900 019 7:00pm Dong, Suchuan Steven MATH 436
MA 69900 020 7:00pm Eremenko, Alexandre MATH 600
MA 69900 021 7:00pm Feng, Zhilan Julie MATH 414
MA 69900 022 7:00pm Gabrielov, Andrei MATH 648
MA 69900 023 7:00pm Gleich, David No Office
MA 69900 024 7:00pm Goins, Edray MATH 612
MA 69900 025 7:00pm Goldberg, David MATH 628
MA 69900 026 7:00pm Ward, Mark No Office
MA 69900 027 7:00pm Heinzer, William MATH 636
MA 69900 028 7:00pm Kaufmann, Ralph MATH 730
MA 69900 029 7:00pm Lempert, Laszlo MATH 728
MA 69900 030 7:00pm Li, Peijun MATH 440
MA 69900 031 7:00pm Lipshitz, Leonard MATH 722
MA 69900 032 7:00pm Liu, Tong MATH 738
MA 69900 033 7:00pm Lucier, Bradley MATH 809
MA 69900 034 7:00pm Moh, Tzuong-Tsieng MATH 638
MA 69900 035 7:00pm McReynolds, David MATH 704
MA 69900 036 7:00pm Peterson, Jonathon MATH 430
MA 69900 037 7:00pm Petrosyan, Arshak MATH 610
MA 69900 038 7:00pm Phillips, Daniel MATH 706
MA 69900 039 7:00pm Sa Barreto, Antonio MATH 640
MA 69900 040 7:00pm Sameh, Ahmed No Office
MA 69900 041 7:00pm Shahidi, Freydoon MATH 650
MA 69900 042 7:00pm Shen, Jie MATH 450
MA 69900 043 7:00pm Skeel, Robert LWSN 1205
MA 69900 044 7:00pm Stefanov, Plamen MATH 736
MA 69900 045 7:00pm Toms, Andrew MATH 720
MA 69900 046 7:00pm Torres, Monica MATH 634
MA 69900 047 7:00pm Ulrich, Bernd MATH 822
MA 69900 048 7:00pm Viens, Frederi No Office
MA 69900 049 7:00pm McClure, James MATH 836
MA 69900 050 7:00pm Walther, Uli MATH 746
MA 69900 052 7:00pm Wlodarczyk, Jaroslaw MATH 604
MA 69900 053 7:00pm Xia, Jianlin MATH 442
MA 69900 054 7:00pm Yeung, Sai Kee MATH 712
MA 69900 055 7:00pm Yip, Nung Kwan Aaron MATH 432
MA 69900 080 7:00pm Tindel, Samy MATH 434
MA 69900 081 7:00pm Wang, Changyou MATH 714

Course Materials

There are no materials for this course.

Important Notes

  • ADA policies: please see our ADA Information page for more details
  • In the event of a missed exam, see your instructor/professor as soon as possible.
  • See the online course evaluation page for more information on how we collect course feedback from students

Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, 150 N. University Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067

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