Grading Policy

The Final Exam will have two parts. Part A will be on material tested in the Midterm and Part B will be on material not tested on the Midterm. There will be no makeup exams unless there are extenuating circumstances.

Your overall grade will the based on the higher of the two numbers calculated using the schemes below; see also the section on Extra Credit.

Scheme 1

  • Webwork (20%)

  • Written Homework (20%)

  • Midterm (20%)

  • Final Exam A (10%)

  • Final Exam B (30%)

Scheme 2

  • Webwork (20%)

  • Written Homework (20%)

  • Midterm (15%)

  • Final Exam A (15%)

  • Final Exam B (30%)

Extra Credit

HW 10 (see Homework) is extra credit for 5% of the overall grade, and will not be included in the 20% for Written Homework. Thus, if \(S\) is your score under either of the two schemes above, and \(H\) is your score in HW 10 (renormalized to be out of 5), then your final numerical score out of 100 will be \(\min(S+H,100)\).

Tentative Cutoffs

The following is a rough indication of how your course grade will be assigned. Exact grade cutoffs will be determined at the end of the semester and may be more generous:

  • \(> 90\%\) will guarantee at least an A-

  • \(> 80\%\) will guarantee at least a B-

  • \(> 70\%\) will guarantee at least a C-

  • \(> 60\%\) will guarantee at least a D-

  • \(< 60\%\) is potentially failing

Incomplete ā€œIā€ grades are almost never given. The only justification is a documented serious medical problem or a genuine personal/family emergency. Falling behind in this course or problems with workload on other courses are not acceptable reasons.