Grading Policy

  • Participation (10%)

  • Webwork (20%)

  • Midterm 1 (20%)

  • Midterm 2 (20%)

  • Final Exam (30%)

The Final Exam will have two parts. Part A will be on material tested in Midterms 1 & 2 and Part B will be on material not tested in either Midterm. Your score in Part A will replace the lower of your Midterm scores if doing so improves your grade.

There will be no makeup exams. If you miss a Midterm, then Part A of the Final Exam will replace that score.

Note that only one Midterm score may be replaced this way.

Please also read the policy on participation.

The following is a rough indication of how your course grade will be assigned. Exact grade cutoffs will be determined at the end of the semester and may be more generous:

  • \(> 90\%\) will guarantee at least an A-

  • \(> 80\%\) will guarantee at least a B-

  • \(> 70\%\) will guarantee at least a C-

  • \(> 60\%\) will guarantee at least a D-

  • \(< 60\%\) is potentially failing

Incomplete ā€œIā€ grades are almost never given. The only justification is a documented serious medical problem or a genuine personal/family emergency. Falling behind in this course or problems with workload on other courses are not acceptable reasons.