Academic Honesty

All activities associated with this course must be performed in accordance with the AS&E Academic Honesty Policy. Please visit for more information.

Unauthorized Online Resources

This course follows the Department of Mathematics policy on the use of unauthorized online resources:

“Any usage whatsoever of online solution sets or paid online resources ( or similar) is considered an academic honesty violation and will be reported to the Board on Academic Honesty. In particular, any assignment found to contain content which originated from such sources is subject to a minimum penalty of zero on the assignment and a full letter grade reduction at the end of the semester (e.g. a B would be reduced to a C). This applies even if the unauthorized content was obtained through indirect means (through a friend for instance) and/or the student is seemingly unaware that the content originated from such sources. If you have any questions about whether resources are acceptable, please check with your instructor.”

Calculators, Smartphones and Other Materials

The use of calculators, phones and other computing devices is not allowed during an exam. Notes and cheatsheets are also not allowed.

The use of phones is permitted to take photographs of your answers after the exam is over. Please also see the zoom policy.