Differential Equations and Linear Algebra.

Artur Jackson
Office: MATH 701
Mailbox: MATH 835

Departmental Page: http://math.purdue.edu/~ma262
On this page I'll put up notes, old quizzes, and solutions.

2014 Fall (CURRENT)

Quiz 01
Quiz 02
Quiz 03
Quiz 04
Quiz 05
Quiz 06 Solutions
Quiz 07
Quiz 08
Quiz 09
Quiz 10
Quiz 11 Solutions
Quiz 12 Solutions

2013 Spring (OLD)

Quiz 01 Solutions
Quiz 02 Solutions
Quiz 03 Solutions
Quiz 04 Solutions
Quiz 05 Solutions
Quiz 06 Solutions
You gotta know some elementary set theory, bro. That is, stuff like \(\in,\subseteq\), and all that. Look here for some background reading.

Questions to think about:
  1. When using the existence and uniqueness theorem why is it imporant that the bounding rectangle contain more than one point. To answer this, try coming up with a function \(f:\mathbb{R}^2\rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) which is continuous only at the origin. (What can you say about solutions, if any exist, to the equation \(\frac{dy}{dx} = f(x,y)\)?)

    Existence and uniqueness is not just of purely theoretical interest. It is of important interest in controls systems, electrical engineering, physics, nuclear engineering, etc. For example, suppose one determines the equations governing behavior of a system and one manages to find a solution. It is important to understand whether some other types of behavior can be ruled out. This is the case when the existence and uniqueness theorem applies.

  2. Integrating factors \(\mu=\mu(x)\) are useful for solving first order equations \(\frac{dy}{dx} + p(x)y = q(x)\). But what property of the integrating factor allows to claim that the solution spaces of the original equation and the modified equation \(\mu \frac{dy}{dx} + \mu p(x) = \mu q(x)\) are identifcal?

    Can you find a function \(\mu=\mu(x)\) (not necessarily an integrating factor) and an equation \(\frac{dy}{dx} + p(x)y = q(x)\) such that the modified equation \(\mu \frac{dy}{dx} + \mu p(x) = \mu q(x)\) has different solutions than the original equation?

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